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Troon Tortoises 10K

  • Rated 73%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (27)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
bedlam_g First ever Troon.  I plan to set my Garmin for 41mins so hopefully a PB just inside that.

Chip Time has me at 39.56.  Almost 3 mins off my PB.  I was using the virtual partner on my Garmin so all I knew was I was a couple of hundred yards ahead of my target pace, knew I had a big PB but didn't think I’d broken 40mins until I saw the results on the website.  Naturally delighted always doubted my body was capable of this.
Bellahouston Road Runners, Cumbernauld AAC, Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
34:01 38:45 40:49 39:56 66.72
Big C Delighted!!!! PB by minute and a half. Great race, very friendly. Set off a little ambitiously, but managed to get my heart rate down with some little walks and a good talking to. Excellent encouragement from marshalls and police-people and even local youths. I have been called big-man at least 12 times, as in go-awnnn yirsel big-mannn!!! Strangely pleasant and encouraging. Chip time.
1:00:52 1:05:11 1:05:11 42.03
ClaireT Disappointed with my time, expected to run better. Had my first ever racing 'injury'...my right calf tightened up early on in the race, and felt like it was gonna pop. It limited my stride length and dorsiflexion, I carried on but paid for it afterwards. 10th lady.
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
38:11 38:59 40:27 71.37
clairevmc PB.
Hamilton Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers
37:58 44:33 48:25 59.47
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
35:24 38:32 38:41 68.64
dd A terrible race for me. Felt awful all week and all day and just didnt even feel like running. Knew I wasnt going to achieve my goal of running it all. And on the day didnt even know whether to pull out or not. Not helped by the race being quite 'elite' so I was right at the very back of the pack with 'encouraging' comments from all the marshals along the way. I know they were trying to be nice but if I heard 'come on its not far now' when it clearly WAS!! one more time.....Very discouraged now. Update: my feeling awful resulted in a 3 week long 'flu bug that I didnt entirely shake for about 5 weeks afterwards!
1:01:42 1:13:57 1:10:00 1:13:57 39.62
Fan E Baws
Springburn Harriers
35:56 35:56 37:54 69.66
Gokeith pretty much as i expected-started to feel the pace after 3k and had to work to hang in there,reasonably happy with time considering recent training.good night for run-cheers to EYESPY for the cheerleading ;-)
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Loudoun Runners AC
33:13 34:34 34:40 34:44 78.88
49:13 52:18 55:56 53.12
hannkies I'd be lying if I said I was happy with my time. Just confirms the fact that I'm not running as well as I was last year when I dipped under 35mins a couple of times. Hopefully a blip, and first 10K of the year for me, but we'll wait and see..........
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
34:21 35:11 35:53 75.33
50:54 54:10 56:00 54:40 54.37
35:35 36:42 37:08 77.54
JulesR Tri training taken over, so unlikely to pb unless route includes open water swim with the Troon tide. **Update** Pleased with 38:07 official time, enjoyed the race and seeing loads of Fetchies even though some beat me! Shouted at EyeSpy in her trendy yellow top, but had gone past before I could yell my name!
Stirling Triathlon Club
37:21 38:07 38:30 38:07 75.40
Hamilton Harriers
49:47 51:40 51:40 52.02
kyt heh, what a blast, thanks to championchip. showed up a couple of minutes late w yano. spent the whole race passing folk. ended up top 200. yano wangled a pb out of it amazingly. and how good is the text message results service 2 hours after the race finishing?! we were the guys running along the wall to avoid traffic in the 1st k btw.
39:45 40:09 40:00 42:45 62.57
Giffnock North AAC
47:25 49:00 49:00 60.12
Girvan AAC
38:57 38:57 40:00 38:57 70.34
Quadbarrel Delighted with my time (watch time 37:31 - tbc). Ideal conditions if a little breezy. Started to drizzle right at the end. Nice to catch up with JulesR and the wave to EyeSpy just after 7k gave me a real boost to the finish. UPDATE. Chip time 37:33 and 50th. Very happy.
Cambuslang Harriers
35:07 37:02 38:20 37:33 71.24
Shettleston Harriers
34:38 40:23 40:23 65.37
45:46 48:04 48:04 56.66
Running Beans
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC
Salty Dog
35:44 40:38 40:58 64.44
Shettleston Harriers
33:08 34:30 34:52 76.72
shannon first proper race back since brain surgery 10 wks ago with only 26 miles in my legs since op.  It went well and it's great to be back running again....but it is still frustrating to go round in a time than seems slow compared to pre surgery/other runners.  Anyway, hopefully the fitness will be back by mid summer and I stay healthy.  

All in all, another great Troon10k!!  And well marshalled EyeSpy!
Garscube Harriers
38:35 41:05 42:10 62.61
Sunbed Athlete
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
31:29 32:18 32:27 82.44
The Belly Is Gaun Tae Get Ye Late entry.  Not expecting big things from this one more of a sharpener for mara. Update>Well chuffed with this time considering it's  off marathon training, would have been a Fetch PB  had I not got mugged at the start. About 1.5K before I got a clear run. Nice to catch up with a few Fetchies. BTW what was in the goody bag as they were not being issued when I finished.
Ride 63
40:34 42:38 42:59 42:38 63.81
Yano kyt said it already - we turned up 2mins late for the race - not good. Since it was championchip it would have been fine except for the very narrow path creating a funnel of runners for the first 1-1.5k. Resorted to running along the top of a wall (it was either that or the beach) - good tactic until I ran into a spectator, the wall disappeared and my shoes ended up full of sand. But no easy way through - cost us a minute at least. Still managed to run a new PB but a bit frustrated because still felt good at end and could have gone faster. Hope for sub 40 at Helensburgh on 24th May. Must have passed 750 runners. Lol, serves us right for being late I suppose. Placed 136 out of 883.
39:32 39:32 40:00 40:48 65.08

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