Thame CPM 10K

Listed by mothrunner
Entrants (15)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alchester RC (Bicester)
nice and slow
Alchester RC (Bicester)
47:14 49:41 49:41 53.31
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB) Extremely hot and opted not to race it after the first mile.  The time includes 1.24 for a pit stop!
Buckingham & Stowe RC
53:59 54:28 1:02:28 51.74
RunLikeTheWind Very hot!  First 5K went really well but the second half was very draining and the small undulations felt all the worse for the heat.  Not as quick as I would have liked, but given the conditions I did ok  (people dropping all along the route)
1:01:49 1:01:49 1:08:00 1:11:01 49.09
Ally C Thame 10K, Really hot day so quite happy with time especially as I am not running on all cylinders at the moment. 60th out of 920.
RAF AC, Moray Roadrunners
36:05 38:31 42:00 40:35 66.60
Witney Road Runners
39:45 40:11 42:56 71.00
Peacey New PB.
White Horse Harriers AC
36:35 37:57 38:22 69.04
satkin55 Did my achilles at 2km, and was limping from 3km to the end.  Pleased to have finished with a reasonable time (5 min outside pb) considering injury and the heat.
White Horse Harriers AC
42:05 42:18 42:00 47:44 59.72
46:00 47:47 51:00 51:11 56.15
steeplechaser 13th V50
OK until 5k 20.25 then stopped at water stop & several times afterwards.
I need to get myself motivated again. THere is no reason to keep stopping. This has to be my worst 10K
Alchester RC (Bicester), St Austell Running Club
38:12 39:41 44:45 66.39
Half Empty Absolutely baking which just took it out of me for the last mile.  Seriously faded, but then fared better than some!
Alchester RC (Bicester)
40:23 49:20 49:00 49:20 54.00
49:04 49:04 50:00 49:04 54.30
LUFC1919 Told its was fairly flat.Well the last 3k was uphill (ok so slight inclines included).Very hot so slowed right up for the last 3k.Still did better than I thought I had.
Wrekin Road Runners
41:56 44:27 47:00 46:18 60.59
martin K that was one of the worse races i have ever done and this is because of the HOT Weather
London Underground AC, Runnymede Runners
39:11 44:15 42:30 48:25 60.34
1:10:46 1:10:46 1:17:00 39.15

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