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Stanwick 10k

Listed by Nightjar
  • Rated 77%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
750 Warrior
Billericay Striders RC
43:35 43:35 47:11 58.52
aspiring hippo
48:02 49:54 50:01 57.93
Duke of Drayton Thanks for the heads up on the Huntingdon Race meeting Automatic.  The Willow Foundation gains funds from everyone who pre books their tickets for that day see http://www.willowfoundation.org.uk/ev_forthcoming.shtml for more info.  Cheers.-------------- A great race bright and breezy, with very good organisation and friendly marshalls.  No PB this time but with my calf injury I am glad to have got around at all.  By the way the 27mins shown as a PB for my 10K is incorrect that is for a 5K in Walsall last year, I've e-mailed FE about it - sorry.
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
39:22 46:40 50:00 52:41 51.02
Lieutenant Lucerne Watch time 41:08.  Originally the official results showed 40:42, but this has been amended to 41:15. The runner in front of me was no more than 5 metres ahead (about 1 sec), but according to the first set of results there was a 19 sec gap! this was reduced to a 10 sec gap on the second set of results. I think I will stick with my watch time.
Despite the undulations, the strong wind in places and the lack of any recent speed training, I managed, what for me was, a good time.
37:45 40:12 42:30 41:08 69.87
Long Shanks PB! - Wasn't expecting a PB on this coarse. Quite hilly and breezy. Great race , great organisation.
Wellingborough & District AC
43:05 44:53 47:00 45:10 59.84
Lycra Hurricane Not bad after all my distance traiing. It was good to do a faster race after all the long runs...and a pb too! Time must be wrong, my Garmin registered 48.52.  Times now redone
Bedford Harriers AC, Rushden Runners
48:22 48:52 48:52 62.38
Nightjar Results on the wall said 43:44 but the Garmin said 44:43. Gone for Garmin time. The official results have been updated to arounf 44:30 but they still are not right. Never mind though - it's still a great race and I'll do it again.
Bedford Harriers AC, LDWA
44:43 44:43 44:43 63.24
No2Son first 10k race... not so good....
49:30 49:30 55:00 49:30 57.21
Silvershadow Although it was very cold the weather was bright and made for a very pleasant run.  Good marshalling especially the particularly cheerfull ladies in Water Lane and at the top of the very last hill. Lots of cheering as I came into the home straight inspired a 8min/mile finish.
Bedford Harriers AC
1:00:49 1:09:38 1:15:00 1:09:38 44.53
Tall Bloke My official time, but the orgamisers ballsed up the finish so it was more like 45:45
Bedford Harriers AC, Shefford Runners
44:02 45:18 45:18 63.96

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