St. Andrew's Hospice 10K

Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
34:40 41:44 41:44 63.26
ClaireT Seems I was rather ambitious expecting a sub-40 today! I know races are suposed to be hard but I didn't enjoy this one, as my legs felt pretty dead and had slight niggle on right hamstring. Even so I did feel on target for sub-40-ish. Perhaps some question over the course distance with many people running 60-90s slower than expected, even Gilroy was 33min. My Garmin distance was 10.3K and had me at 40.02 on the 10K mark, so maybe this is true. But I did run this in 40.12 last year and I don't think the course has changed unless the turning point moved? Enough of the excuses! I finished 2nd lady.
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
38:11 38:59 41:05 72.59
49:13 52:18 57:04 52.06
ian9657 My running buddy Mr Garmin and others report this race as a 10.3k which is reflected on people's times.  My 10k time would have been 47.03.  Only my 3rd 10k,  and the first flat..ish 10k,  since Ayr on Boxing Day 2005. Took it steady and although would have preferred to have done it faster, it was good to get a new race under my belt. 161st out of 668.
41:35 44:31 50:00 48:40 61.05
42:54 45:15 46:57 56.56
Hamilton Harriers
49:47 51:40 50:30 55:00 48.87
39:10 39:31 39:31 68.40
Ticketyboo Felt unwell and burning up after around 3k (probably a reaction to an immunisation I got on Wednesday for going on holiday) and slowed quickly over the next 2k. At 5k decided just to jog to the finish rather than stop which is probably not the brightest thing I have ever done. Dissapointed as I hoped for a PB today. Garmin distance 10.25k.
Cumbernauld AAC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
33:50 37:24 41:23 64.17

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