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St Albans 10k

Listed by Colinzealuk
  • Rated 73%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Harpenden Arrows
37:47 38:19 39:35 68.72
Mr. T
Ware Joggers, Sportsworld Running Club
38:24 39:50 40:41 64.89
BigChiefRunningBore 2nd shot at this course so in theory I should go faster but post FLM may affect me.   Update - the heat and weekend with GF did me in - me abs were killing me. 27C is rather hot. Solid run nonetheless and first Jogger I believe.
Watford Joggers, Fitstuff Run Club
39:52 41:09 41:45 42:15 64.85
WatfordTim Very hot, achey legs from weds and silverstone
Watford Joggers
39:12 41:18 42:40 43:30 66.61
MadRobby Great course and enjoyable race.  Hot conditions and
42:27 42:27 43:32 44:17 60.41
poppysox Will see how Watford 10k goes then decide on a plan!  UPDATE:  Managed sub 45 and was only 5secs off PB.  Grrrrhhh!!!!  Still, considering the heat I was pleased with time and the plan is to PB at 10k by the end of June and this was my 2nd 10k race this week!  Loved this course - undulations all the way which suit me great!  WJ 2nd Ladies team too!
Watford Joggers
42:48 42:48 45:00 44:22 65.07
Hills of Death (HOD) 3rd shit race in a year...Not sure if it was cause it was hot and undulating or that I was just awful. Met BJ and Snoozi, Big Chief Running Bore so that was good. I think most peps had at least 2 mins down on the average I had 4 1/2. Personal worst. I feeling ok though. Thanks to St Albans Striders for a well organised race.
Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners
44:43 46:31 44:58 49:46 54.31
Watford Joggers
46:50 46:50 50:11 54.21
MK Lakeside Runners
42:09 48:22 48:25 54.53
Garden City Rick
Garden City Runners
43:25 48:23 1:02:28 47.56
Hash Hotter than a very hot thing!
51:50 54:06 54:00 54:06 56.83

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