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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Somerset Cross Country Championships

Sun December 16 2007
Listed by Blister
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Blister It was very cold, around 2 degrees but at least there was no wind. The ground was fairly soft and had a few boggy bits with only a very small concrete section so I stuck with 12mm spikes. I got there a bit late and because of the cold I left it to the last minute before I got changed, but left it a bit too late as I was still getting changed as the gun went off...ooops! After a quick dash I soon caught the field and quickly made my way up it until I caught Tom and got into a rhythm. After the first small lap I felt strong and went past Tom (I beat him for the first time ever!) and through most of the race I made my way up the field. I seemed to get stronger as the race went on and the mile I did yesterday didn't seem to effect me. The only thing that was effecting me was the cold, even though I was wearing a long sleeve top my arms, hands and face were going numb. I spent most of a lap catching two young(ish) guys and got past them only to find my shoe lace had come undone...doh! So by the time I did it up they had gone past me, however I soon caught them up and managed to catch a few more people before finishing strongly. It was a bit slower than I thought I would run but apparently it was just over 10K. Finished 45th out of 99.
TeamBath AC, Somer AC, Walton AC
37:24 39:02 39:27 66.92

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