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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Shinfield 10k

Listed by little brown bag
  • Rated 81%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (18)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
47:06 50:05 50:58 57.26
dustboy Clock said 50.20. took half a min to cross line
Windle Valley Runners
49:18 49:37 49:49 57.22
Heavyweight Bit tired after the FLM last week  - a few small hills
44:39 51:42 54:30 51.89
Jonny Pretty pleased with the run, started a bit too far back & got held up in the first km.  Quite windy in parts of the course.  Glad I got a Pb & kept everyone who bet on me happy.  Finished 34th.
38:55 38:55 38:59 38:55 67.86
Reading Joggers
41:59 45:13 45:13 58.58
Konaboy Calf a bit tight before the off but soon got into my stride,  picked up LLB at 1km & held steady up to Spencers Wood,  Spotted RG Postie up the road so latched on at a slight distance through the water station & passed him at just over 8km. Pushed on steady although realised that sub 45 was not on. Felt RGP right on my shoulder over last kilometre so upped the pace to finish fairly strong (PB by a couple of secs I think - Thanks RGP).  Saw Tallpaul at finish & a Fetchie finishing in about 55mins.
Reading Roadrunners
44:28 44:42 45:46 59.44
little brown bag Started well, did the 1st km in 5.01 which I was chuffed with!
Saw Konaboy whizz past at that point..  The hill at 4km was a bit of a nightmare, but I got up it!  Came in 466th
Finch Coasters
50:27 58:15 58:15 49.66
MadJonny I was the one in the FETCHEVERYONE shirt.  First race for nearly 3 months with very little training done recently.Aimed for sub-55 and came in comfortably with a quick final km.  For the 2nd year running I forgot how long the grassy bit was at the end and started my sprint finish much too early.  Less knackering than last year (but 6 mins slower).
48:17 54:24 54:24 49.17
MadRobby First official 10K. Not a bad time - gives me something to aim for next time !
42:27 45:10 45:57 57.79
37:04 42:45 42:45 62.57
50 Marathon Club, Reading Joggers, Wargrave Runners
42:14 56:23 56:23 63.56
39:16 41:45 41:45 63.23
RG Postie (RGP) Very little sleep (again) and when I got up it was chucking it down,so I nearly didn't do this race but the rain cleared up and I thought sod it I've paid my money,it was good to meet and have a chat with Konaboy before the race,I did see one Fetch shirt at this race but apart from telling him he had a great shirt as I jogged past we didn't chat (who were you ?),my race started badly as I struggled to find pace,which varied between 4:10-4:40 per K,and at one point a 5min K,I continued to struggle to find pace right up to the 7K marker,when Konaboy came along and I latched onto the back of him,and he dragged me along for the final 2K,cheers KB !
Reading Roadrunners
45:48 45:48 48:00 45:48 58.17
48:16 52:38 56:32 51.17
Sid Felt dreadful all the way around this race! I don't really understand why I did but hey, I finished and that is all that matters in the end!! I saw one fetch tee-shirt!!!
Sandhurst Joggers
43:20 50:34 51:59 56.87
45:49 45:49 45:49 64.22
TW Have a crack at a new pb as it is a pretty flat course, just one hill at about 4kms........had  a really good run...5km at 21.00, then a new pb for 10k at 41.35.
41:14 41:35 42:00 41:35 64.64
51:15 52:30 52:30 54.80

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