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Milnathort Dash

Listed by Debstir
  • Rated 81%
  • 5.5mi
  • Road
Entrants (14)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Kinross Road Runners
33:08 36:18 36:18 65.08
Carnegie Harriers
33:55 36:09 36:09 64.39
cake muncher Placed 13th & 6th veteran. Struggled from start to finish as expected. Too many races the previous week. Great cakes!!!
Falkland Trail Runners
30:54 30:54 30:54 79.60
Coz I can
Central AC, Ochil Hill Runners
31:53 31:53 31:53 73.75
Dave_K Enjoyed this despite the uphill start and the run through the farm. Pleased with my time and felt really good from about 4km. As always a great post race tea from Fife AC. Well done on another great event. Will be back for this one again.
40:42 42:18 42:18 57.70
Debstir Nearly never went, had felt 'off' all day. Really had to concentrate on making my legs move for the first half of the race (maybe my 22m cycle yesterday wasn't such a good idea after all!) but was happier once I got on to the farm track (I like trails). Got a new surge of energy as we headed back towards the flyover on the way back, maybe because I remembered about the cakes at the finish! Now if they could only flatten it out a bit for next year....

Oh and did anyone else see the buffalo / bison in the field at about 1m in, or have I finally lost it?!
45:10 45:10 45:10 56.75
Enigma A lovely evening afterall the gloom recently. I really enjoyed the race, got a bit boxed in at the start so tried to overtake a fair few people on the way up the initial hill. Found myself next to May at the top of the hill and ran with her for a K or so. I then pulled away feeling strong. The gradual climb wasn't too bad, but Baza caught me (as he always does) and pulled away. Still feeling good I tried to catch him and managed that by the top. On the downhill section I was right behind him, pulling alongside with 2 Km to go. He's just too good for me and pulled away again on the downhill into the finish. Great race loved it. Very pleased with my performance and time. Gread feed afterwards. Well organised and marshalled. A great wee race. :-)
36:10 36:10 37:00 36:10 64.77
loopy not an official time ...cant seem to find any results! lovely scenic route..but too many hills!
Stornoway R & AC
43:50 43:50 43:50 58.48
May Last time I ran this was 33.11,in my younger days as a nipper!!back in 2000 finishing 2nd behind Trudi Thompson,the course was run in reverse that year!!looking to get round as a training run,undulating route may not suit at moment but just need to get head down till I am feeling back to normal,: )..Update...first few k felt pretty rough..not to bad on hills,felt very strong from 5k onwards..managed to catch Judith on downhill,felt better the longer the distance,finished very strong,happy with run,3rd Female: )
Scottish Prison Service AAC
36:30 36:30 36:30 70.22
50:20 50:20 50:20 63.32
Plussing As Which What a wonderful evening and very scenic course but a bit like running through treacle for me tonight but I knew it wasn't going to be easy!  Sore guts and fear of a 'Paula' moment on the downhill section sadly cancelled out my strong run up the hill.  Managed to hang onto 2nd place and made it to the church hall loo :-)  Excellent spread for post-race nourishment.  Good return to hard running after a very sparse week training wise.
34:59 34:59 34:59 73.53
Carnegie Harriers
37:30 37:30 37:30 63.00
SueW I entered 20 minutes before the start!  I'd been feeling a bit rough all week, completely losing my voice yesterday and still squeaky today.  I decided to treat it as a training, tempo run and as a result I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt much better afterwards too.  Lovely route:  amazed that we had climbed so far when it came to the return and the downhill section.  I'll be back....
Carnegie Harriers
44:05 44:05 44:05 61.63
Supervixen Tough race, lots and lots of hills **ouch**  Felt like so much more up than down, legs had nothing left at the end.  Fabby, fabby food afterwards as always, (who does the carrot cake!!!) worth the run and the drive.
47:18 47:18 50:00 47:18 55.44

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