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Dewsbury 10K

  • Rated 83%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (33)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baldy Dave
41:54 41:54 50:00 45:29 60.71
41:33 43:10 43:10 61.16
caterpillar girl
41:49 41:49 41:49 71.49
CD Well organised event with some nice touches.
Scunthorpe & District AC
48:13 52:57 52:57 56.11
Loftus & Whitby AC
53:09 53:17 59:42 47.37
Dave A My first ever race was this in 2005 and ran 39:18 despite being underprepared to run that far. Hoping for 39 mins a s a maximum time!

PB for me. What a fantastic race. I picked up a decent speed to start with then managed to maintain it. Did the 2nd half 30 seconds quicker than the first and Im truly k****ered now.
35:42 36:30 39:00 36:30 72.33
49:36 49:36 49:36 53.54
Scarborough AC
46:41 49:25 49:25 57.69
Stainland Lions RC
46:17 49:47 50:00 51:27 54.96
Homer Fan-blinkin-tastic. How am I going to beat that?

St Bernard scared the living daylights out of me twice. Once at the start and again at the finish (by the time I got there he had his pipe and slippers out). Great support. Well done to SuperMom and a fantasic PB!

Thanks to the other Fetchies for making a good day out.
42:10 44:20 50:00 46:33 56.90
Hypochondriaction man
Totley AC
39:14 39:14 40:00 39:14 67.91
Scarborough AC, Whitby running club
41:58 44:09 44:09 66.36
joggerpete Out of shape really legs shot as of 2 days b4 race. Paid money so will be there. 

Pleased with run 1.5 minutes quicker on way back so got to be pleased overall. Take the positives..
Mansfield Harriers & AC
37:41 37:41 38:30 37:41 70.70
justphil 40:52 was my chip time, it took me almost a minute from the gun to cross the start line. I was pleased with my time as I spent the first 3 miles swerving in and out of other runners. I made a schoolboy error in getting myself right at the back of the field at the start. This is another fast flat course and if I ever do it again I will make sure I am nearer the line for the off.
Nidd Valley Road Runners
39:04 40:52 43:00 40:52 71.49
Karen S
Wakefield Triathlon Club
55:12 59:38 59:38 49.13
47:48 47:48 47:48 55.55
Horsforth Harriers
41:11 41:11 41:40 63.36
Thirsk & Sowerby Harriers
31:25 31:25 31:25 86.69
Mushroom Best 10k time in years. I was a bit gung-ho with the prediction; I would have settled for anything around 52mins, so really chuffed with result.
Vegetarian Cycling & AC
45:07 49:54 50:00 49:54 53.86
northernslowcoach woohooo!!!!
am so happy with that,great race, lovely to meet more Fetchies, thanks for the support all
53:37 55:19 58:30 55:19 52.96
Totley AC
47:53 47:53 48:51 59.54
37:25 37:25 40:00 38:16 69.39
SimonF Run as part of FLM Training. 
Slower that I hoped for. Started too far back and never hit my splits up to the turn. Came back from Batley in 20:01 and finished feeling strong. Good race from within a marathon training  schedule I guess.
Cumberland Fell Runners, Horsforth Fellandale Club
40:25 40:47 39:59 40:47 67.70
Wakefield Triathlon Club
39:45 48:37 48:37 54.30
Slider45 Gun time, hopefully chip may be a little faster.  Had a decent run - no leg troubles and felt pretty good throughout.  Managed another pb so I've got to be happy with that. Enjoyable run though not a great deal to see - almost a spit of the Abbey Dash...Start was a bit crowded but the marshals were good and the t-shirt's the best I've received yet.
Valley Striders AC
34:17 36:09 37:54 69.68
Sodahead Thats my own timing. Chip timing may be a tad quicker although I was over the line fairly quickly. Ideal conditions for racing. 18 minutes to get up the road to the turn and 17.29 on the way back. Considering everything that is going on at the moment a very satisfying result.
Loftus & Whitby AC
34:03 35:29 36:00 35:29 80.99
stuart little Sorry to those who have already bet on me, my achillies has flared up, so I'm afraid I may be a DNS :(
Beverley AC, Sheffield RC
33:10 35:01
sue c
Rothwell & District Harriers
43:32 43:32 43:32 67.04
Stadium Runners
1:03:08 1:03:08 1:03:08 45.82
Tinywhitevan A PB, but still disappointed. Thought I'd go quicker given step up in training over last 5 weeks. Never mind! Went 3 minutes faster than last year, so can't really complain.
Ackworth Road Runners & a.c., Go Veggie
46:42 54:21 54:21 53.36
trazza Really pleased with that as watch time was well over 43. but knew it had taken me at least 40secs to cross the start line. 
A bit of a boring race.....
Know there is room for improvement!!! but I like that feeling.
42:26 42:26 42:35 68.10
Unsafe Breadbin
Stockport Harriers & AC
35:41 39:34 39:34 67.34
47:13 47:13 47:13 58.48

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