Chipping Norton (Mota-Vation Series Race 4)

Listed by Nathan Holmes
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
28:07 76.66
Headington RoadRunners
31:30 55.84
ken.c Ran with O H (bad back).
Witney Road Runners
27:08 41:04 49.30
Nathan Holmes
Northbrook AC
Wye Valley Runners
28:57 64.08
SarahBoots (Solitude_Fairy) Controlled pace due to right abductor pain. Leg OK, but stiff.
40:00 41:52 48.72
satkin55 Poor run.  I hadn't run for 10 day before this race due to dodgy stomach.  OK for 2 miles at 6:30 pace, but struggled after that.  Big push at finish to beat club mate left me feeling wiped out.
White Horse Harriers AC
28:00 28:50 65.84
Alchester RC (Bicester)
30:28 61.35
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB) The interval training appears to be doing thetrick as my speed seems to have reappeared :-)
Buckingham & Stowe RC
38:42 38:05 56.09

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