New Training Log Prototype

17 watchers
Dec 2017
11:38am, 14 Dec 2017
11 posts
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1. With the new layout, can you adjust the sampling rate to smooth out the graphics (the old one had a drop-down of selected sampling rate)

2. Is it possible to zoom in on an area to get an average? examples: for a cycle turbo FTP test, you cycle your pants off for 20 min as part of a longer session and get your average power for that period.

Dec 2017
3:49pm, 19 Dec 2017
743 posts
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Is it possible to stop the page loading twice when you arrive there?

Also, can the fetchpoint view have:
A home circle?
interference circles when you click on icons?
Dec 2017
3:52pm, 19 Dec 2017
18,816 posts
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It only reloads that first time, because it's grabbing the elevation.
Dec 2017
4:01pm, 19 Dec 2017
3,578 posts
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Any thoughts on whether we'll be given the choice to have a default split that isn't 1/25th of the length of the run (or thereabouts)? I've given it a bit of time, but still would like it to load with either the splits as recorded on the watch OR a user-chosen distance. I don't know how hard either of those two are to code (or whether others want that too of course!)?
Dec 2017
4:44pm, 19 Dec 2017
2,000 posts
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I too would like splits (or rather laps) as recorded on the watch but not really on the graph. I did ask in one of the blogs but apparently that would break something!

They do still appear in the notes section.
Dec 2017
7:14pm, 19 Dec 2017
348 posts
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I'm with you on that, the arbitrary splits have been my main bug bear since day one, just makes the log less useful overall than the old one. I guess we have to go with the majority though as most people seem to prefer the mixture of random splits. For me, I still can't work out what they are useful for.
Dec 2017
7:30pm, 19 Dec 2017
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K5 Gus
Fetch - what's the reason that you don't go and get the elevation data when we load the activity, why wait until the first time it is viewed ? I know it's always been that way ( or at least the past few years ), just interested why.

Most people I'm guessing load their data automatically these days from a Garmin feed, so if the initial load took slightly longer then we'd normally not notice as we're off having a shower, making a cup of tea, or something :-)
Dec 2017
7:55pm, 19 Dec 2017
18,817 posts
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It's a client-side request. I've yet to persuade its server side equivalent to accept 512 data points, just 256.
Dec 2017
8:38pm, 19 Dec 2017
2,438 posts
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K5 Gus
Ahh I see - thanks for the info
Jan 2018
12:02pm, 2 Jan 2018
961 posts
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Loving the pace bar charts and associated splits table. Both are giving more useful information than before :-).

Is it possible for us to move some of the sections around to suit us individually, e.g., it would be nice to have the elevation section near the map and pace bar sections so one can see how the pace varied with elevation, and where? I know I can collapse the intervening sections to bring the elevation higher up the screen but most of it is still out of view.

I see that when I hover over a pace bar, the map shows where that pace bar occurred. Didn't the map and elevation also used to be linked that like? It would be very useful if that could be reinstated :-).

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