Oct 2008
6:24am, 14 Oct 2008
1,365 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
hls - I was a bit like that on Sunday night. My calves were fine during the day but tightened up in the evening and kept me awake Much much better today - the best they've felt at this time in the morning (it usually takes them a bit to get going, they're OK in the middle of the day then they tire a bit towards the end).
Right, must go for a shower so I can make myself look presentable.
Oct 2008
8:25am, 14 Oct 2008
1,879 posts
Did a gentle walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes, then did my core work and stretched when I got home. Am deffo going to use the jacuzzi at the gym tonight. The ice spray deffo helps, and hate to say it but it is better in flat shoes today. (Hate and detest flat shoes) but I have another 10k a week on Sunday so need to get them sorted, not to mention cant cope with another sleepless night, lost too much sleep already this last few days.
Have a good day all
Oct 2008
9:34am, 14 Oct 2008
3,834 posts
SODIron © 2002
Morning all...well I'm in Norwich. Today will be a day full of meetings, people who annoy me and lots of driving....luckily my training plan has me down for norfolk n running
Oct 2008
12:22pm, 14 Oct 2008
1,880 posts
Standard day for you then SOD!
Oct 2008
12:33pm, 14 Oct 2008
3,837 posts
SODIron © 2002
lol.... I'm running tomorrow night...a nice little 7 miler, 4 miles on Thursday and another 10 on Sunday
Oct 2008
12:37pm, 14 Oct 2008
1,882 posts
Show off!
Oct 2008
12:41pm, 14 Oct 2008
2,150 posts
Haddi :-)
yeh SHOW OFF ;):P
Oct 2008
12:43pm, 14 Oct 2008
3,838 posts
SODIron © 2002
shut it hoppy...!
Oct 2008
12:47pm, 14 Oct 2008
1,883 posts
Think of all these poor injured peeps who are desperate to get out there running but Doctor SOD has told them not to, and us poor peeps who only wish we could run that type of mileage and there you are bragging about it and bringing us all down
And dont you be picking on my mate when he is injured and cant stick up for himself Go stand in the corner and face the wall and contemplate what you have done!
Haddi, ignore him, it's not your fault you only have one leg that works
Oct 2008
12:49pm, 14 Oct 2008
2,151 posts
Haddi :-)
i have two legs that work if you include the middle one ;):)