Sep 2008
9:04pm, 26 Sep 2008
1,699 posts
Haddi :-)
the rhino's are beating the pie eaters Yp's quite
Sep 2008
9:57pm, 26 Sep 2008
1,700 posts
Haddi :-)
who ate all the pies? yp :):)
Sep 2008
11:22pm, 26 Sep 2008
1,016 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Give me chance to get home at least! I'm not ashamed to admit to liking pie...
Sep 2008
8:21am, 27 Sep 2008
979 posts
Lapsed Athlete
or cake
Sep 2008
8:22am, 27 Sep 2008
1,701 posts
Haddi :-)
i think it's me who at the pie's, just weighed myself and not running isn't helping keeping the pounds off go RHINO'S :):)
Sep 2008
9:47am, 27 Sep 2008
1,017 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Leg still not right. I stupidly walked home from headingley last night because I missed the bus and it was an hour til the next one unless I went back into town and back out again. Walking up Stonegate Road didn't seem to agree with it
I had to go back into town this morning to collect my car, I decided to see how running went - made it about half a mile before I realised it wasn't right. I could run on it, but I didn't want to do any more damage. So I pottered down to the bus route taking walk breaks where appropriate (although running doesn't really hurt any more thank walking) and ran along it until a bus turned up - got told off for the bus driver for cheating when I sprinted to the stop to flag him down. Then jogged from the bus stop in town over to my office - total just over 3 miles - and then did 30 minutes on the exercise bike at the gym. The good thing is that it doesn't seem to have reacted to the run so I've not done any more damage, but it definitely isn't right.
Sep 2008
10:13am, 27 Sep 2008
1,703 posts
Haddi :-)
mines not right at all jogged 100yd today to catch up to mrs haddi and in a lot of pain now, but not enough to cause me to limp like at the start of the week
Sep 2008
10:40am, 27 Sep 2008
982 posts
Lapsed Athlete
you two take it easy and let the legs mend before returning to running
Sep 2008
10:43am, 27 Sep 2008
1,220 posts
For My Light
Its seems to be catching, I am out of action with a calf injury.
Sep 2008
10:50am, 27 Sep 2008
1,704 posts
Haddi :-)
we might have to do mile 2 on crutches