WFH Advice

22 watchers
Mar 2020
4:51pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Mar 2020
4:51pm, 26 Mar 2020
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My advice is that when you get up to answer the door when your Tesco delivery arrives, check first to make sure the wires from your headset are not tangled around your foot.
Mar 2020
4:53pm, 26 Mar 2020
17,239 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
My advice is that when you get up to answer the door when your Tesco delivery arrives, check first to make sure you've remembered to put your clothes on....
Mar 2020
5:01pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Mar 2020
5:42pm, 27 Mar 2020
4,513 posts
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When we went out for our walk at lunchtime, I failed to notice that I hadn't rolled down my trouser cuffs. I turn them up twice when in the house, so when I do my work breaks with a few mins on the treadmill, they don't scuff on it. Feel a bit of a twat.
Mar 2020
5:44pm, 27 Mar 2020
17,013 posts
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Well hopefully there weren’t many out to see you!
Mar 2020
5:48pm, 27 Mar 2020
541 posts
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OH and I are both working from home now (and for the next 4 weeks I guess). OH always works form home (self employed computer geek), so I am in what is usually his office.

Everything is fine until I have skype/phone/video calls or meetings meetings. Apparently I talk too loudly for his noise cancelling headphones. Although I can warn him when I have a meeting (and he can go and do the washing up or have a shower or something), I can't predict when someone will call me.

I suspect there isn't a magic solution, except for me to talk more quietly, and OH to be more patient, but does anyone have any ideas?
(I have headphones, so it is just my end of the call that is a problem)
Mar 2020
5:49pm, 27 Mar 2020
4,514 posts
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Very few, Pix. Saw quite a lot of cyclists, though. I personally would be wary of falling off if I went out on my bike, but I've been nervous about biking since a fall in a tri some years ago.
Mar 2020
5:58pm, 27 Mar 2020
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Oh, Jenelopy, I bet that's quite a change for him. He must like it quiet if he has noise cancelling headphones at home! I'm lucky that my office is upstairs and the OH's is downstairs, so we don't clash.
Mar 2020
5:59pm, 27 Mar 2020
17,015 posts
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Quit by ill be doing my last outside ride tomorrow

Then turbo to be safe and not risk any extra work for anyone especially our nhs

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Maintained by EvilPixie
I've noticed that the base of the back of my neck is sometime hurting.
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