Medial Ligament Knee

2 watchers
Oct 2015
8:25pm, 17 Oct 2015
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Anybody else had this? I believe I may have damaged this in the summer. Didn't cause any pain or problems; just felt like a niggle. Spent the whole summer training. Was training well until two weeks ago when it really became a problem. Any pressure applied to the inner side of the knee is mildly painful. Any time sitting, or with the leg bent is uncomfortable. I can still train martial arts without any impediment (as long as I'm not kicked there!) but running is almost impossible. Riding a bike is painfree etc. Does anyone have any tips for recovery or advice on how long it will take approximately?
Oct 2015
8:29pm, 17 Oct 2015
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Gosh! No. Wish I could offer some advice. Hope someone else can advise.
Oct 2015
9:16pm, 17 Oct 2015
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I did mine in last year playing football, it collapsed on me when I was playing football. I could not walk for two weeks and it took about 6 months before I stopped taking painkillers completely.

I aggravated recently due to marathon training, and it has a dull pain off and on for the last month. The only advice is to rest and not to over-train as it will be delicate for a while. Also, do lot of strengthening stretches like leg-lifts and make sure your hamstrings are solid as they will help provide some stability.
Oct 2015
9:32pm, 17 Oct 2015
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Thanks for the sympathy, Ness.

Falcarius- Mine is obviously nowhere near as bad as yours. Not needed any painkillers and tiger balm has reduced any aching considerably. Thanks for the hamstring advice; hadn't thought of that. I've been trying to strengthen the calves and quads. Fortunately, MA provides many opportunities for hamstring stretching. It's very odd; I can jump 360 and land without problems or pain and many other jumps involve a degree of twisting that cause no pain. However, running is instantly deeply uncomfortable, yet climbing stairs provokes no negative reaction. Just have to take it slowly, I suppose.
Oct 2015
11:24am, 20 Oct 2015
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Worth looking up Pes Anserine as well, its the conjunction of the Sartorius, Gracilis and Semitendonosous tendons where they attach to the shin, just below the knee on the medial side. Close as well to where the Medial Collateral Ligament has its lower attachment so there is a lot going on in a small area. There are some bursae there that can become inflamed. Can take a bit of time to get over it, needs a combination of rest, icing and slow build up when you don't feel pain on a short run. Biking and other cross training normally fine though. Can be caused by tight quads as much as problems with any of the 3 mentioned muscles. Good luck with it. Patience is hard but should work.
Oct 2015
6:11pm, 20 Oct 2015
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Thanks for that JF. Sounds like you have a good deal of expertise/experience with this area of injury.

I now am able to bend the knee up towards the back of the thigh much further without too much discomfort. Sitting with the leg bent for a period of time inevitably leads to discomfort. MA training leaves me feeling that it has healed. Then after a short time of inactivity, the stiffness returns. Tensing the calf muscle with the knee bent is easier now as well; couldn't do that last week. There appears to be no swelling. But still can't run yet.
Oct 2015
10:01pm, 27 Oct 2015
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Nearly three weeks of no running. But I have cycled, trained MA, worked on core and stretching. I found some excellent exercises from a sports injury site. The rationale of the exercises seemed sound. The discomfort has greatly reduced; only occurs if the knee is twisted inwards or if my whole body weight is placed on it in a cossack style manoeuvre. So, I carried out my weekly steps routine- a flight of 100 or so stepsx15. Normally, I'd take them two at a time but today I cautiously chose one at a time. Managed the usual 15 with no discomfort apart from coming down the steps, there was an occasional very slight twinge. Tomorrow will tell, I suppose.
Dec 2015
10:34pm, 8 Dec 2015
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Well, two months later and it seems to be clearing up! I've made sure I stretched the quads; the hamstrings received stretching through MA training. I ran 4 miles last Weds and clearly that was too soon. I heard an excellent piece of advice:"Wait until there is no sign of the injury, wait another 10 days and then maybe think about running".
JF50- Thanks for the advice. I think the original injury may have been the ML but I'm sure that, due to other areas needing to compensate, it became an issue with the Per Anserine. Thanks also for the tip about the quads.
So, now to think about easing myself back into running fitness. I've kept fit and active but my fitness, bar running up steps which caused no discomfort during or after at all, has been non-running specific.

It's probably a ridiculous question but does anyone have an indication of how long it takes to get back to the previous level ( I was on for sub 40 10k when I had to stop- able to run 4 miles sub 6:25).
Dec 2015
2:16am, 10 Dec 2015
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It will probably take a couple of months to get back into race shape, but build back up slowly and listen to your body.
Feb 2016
8:49pm, 12 Feb 2016
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Bumping this thread as I appear to have sprained my medial collateral ligament doing some gymnastics a couple of weeks ago.

Glad to see biking shouldn't be a problem. Anyone got any pilates/yoga advice. Or is it a case of see how it feels in certain positions?

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Maintained by deslauriers
Anybody else had this? I believe I may have damaged this in the summer. Didn't cause any pain or pr...

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