Oct 2008
3:49pm, 28 Oct 2008
5,164 posts
don't know
Oct 2008
4:41pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,007 posts
I hope everyone has a ball in New York, can't wait to check you all out as you are running, safe journey everyone
Oct 2008
6:06pm, 28 Oct 2008
5,169 posts
ok 2 things left to organise .. who wants to meet up before the race in fort knox? And straight after finishing?
Last year I was waiting for 3 hours so it is always nice to be able to chat a bit ...
And after the race I was thinking maybe we could meet up by the meeting point letter F?
Anyone interested?
Oct 2008
6:07pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,515 posts
paul a
Fort Knox is a hell of a warm-up run.
Oct 2008
6:07pm, 28 Oct 2008
358 posts
I'll meet up after Contro but sure we can arrange all this when we're there.
Starting at 10.20am but hoping to be done 3 hours later...
Oct 2008
6:08pm, 28 Oct 2008
521 posts
Fort Knox?
Oct 2008
6:15pm, 28 Oct 2008
5,170 posts
lol meant fort wadsworth!
Oct 2008
6:16pm, 28 Oct 2008
522 posts
Damn, I thought we were going to get rich!
Oct 2008
6:18pm, 28 Oct 2008
523 posts
I'm up for that though, but maybe not after as I'll just want to get back and showered before the beers start flowing.
Oct 2008
8:17pm, 28 Oct 2008
42 posts
I ran NYC in 2007, and the biggest bit of advice is to go prepared against the cold. You will have to get to staten island at around 6am and wait about 4 hours before the race, and there is very little shelter from the weather. Take a cardboard box, it gives you something to sit on. Trust me all the homeless people know what they are doing! I got mine from a skip outside a shop in manhatten. Also take some warm clothes you can throw away at the start. I bought some really cheap tat in a souvenir shop in time square, bottoms, hat and hoodie for $20 !! and unless you like bagels and coffee for breakfast pre-marathon take a packed breakfast! HAVE FUN......its a fab race!