Nov 2011
10:45pm, 12 Nov 2011
11,063 posts
not what Mrs Mick moans about, Mick
Nov 2011
10:49pm, 12 Nov 2011
14,726 posts
Mick n Phil ( The old Timers )
all shes moaning about at moment is sickness and pain sadly
* the world needs to get thier heads out of their arse and get on with it *
Nov 2011
10:53pm, 12 Nov 2011
11,064 posts
*hugs for you both*
Nov 2011
10:55pm, 12 Nov 2011
10,501 posts
I'm wondering if my preference for a housekeeper over a husband is worrying? Have I entered spinsterhood already? Tbh I started off thinking I don't need a husband just someone to put the bins out, cut the grass.... and as the list got longer I realised it was a housekeeper I need
Nov 2011
10:56pm, 12 Nov 2011
14,727 posts
Mick n Phil ( The old Timers )
i'm wondering defineatly
Nov 2011
11:00pm, 12 Nov 2011
14,728 posts
Mick n Phil ( The old Timers )
i may well start that new internal thread i talked about
as my blogs go t omy website to outside world
id be interested to know, when i really start wrtining what i think in life
1 - how many do reply and
2 - what they think
as imost of tie i'm rather quiet and polite online
that could so easily change to what i really think
Nov 2011
11:07pm, 12 Nov 2011
11,065 posts
Mick, you have fmail
halfpint, a housekeeper won't give you as much lip either, hence my leaning in that direction, am resigned to spinsterhood, but long as it's rich spinsterhood, that's okay dokay by me
Nov 2011
12:15am, 13 Nov 2011
3,909 posts
The kindle is fab - great for taking on holiday or travelling to and from work. Still love my normal books but i now read the majority of books on kindle
Nov 2011
6:38am, 13 Nov 2011
3,333 posts
Ooops! Just realised I may be one of the none posters everyone is moaning about Feel like I am on here loads but I'm always just catching up on threads not actually posting. Would have said I was quite an easy person to buy for, until I started trying to make a list Any free time I have is spent either Running/Orienteering/Walking, Reading (but got Kindle!) or Cooking/Baking
Things I would cross the street to avoid are gloves,hats,l/s tops as I get hot really easily, animals either real or cuddly, alcohol, smellies Sock Size:6 but only wear trainers socks!
Nov 2011
9:18am, 13 Nov 2011
4,873 posts
I like reading too but have a huge pile of paperbacks I've bought when Waterstones did their 3 for 2 deal and I can't justify getting a Kindle til I've finished them.
Somebody mentioned jewellery in a post earlier. I like costume jewellery & "sparkly thing". Don't wear it often cos it's not the best thing to wear in the school where I work. Nice for going out though.
I like 'The Body Shop' but not 'Lush' the smell of the perfume when I go past the shop always seems overpowering!
Now I need to look through the last few pages to see if my victim has posted.