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Any comments on these gyms -pure gym, fit4less, anytime fitness

5 watchers
Jan 2016
11:38pm, 24 Jan 2016
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I was a member of The Gym, Colchester for a few years at £10.99/month. Think they are a national company. Would highly recommend, plenty of equipment, clean and tidy, regular refits, open 24 hours so you could pick best time to go to suit you and miss peak times if you wanted. Did a job for me as it got me back into running but prefer to run outdoors when I can and now have own treadmill at home for those horrible winter days so membership now lapsed.
Jan 2016
7:17am, 25 Jan 2016
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Too Much Water
See what your local 4 star hotel offers. Mine has a 20m pool, and a smallish gym which has all the main machines.

Open 0630-2200 each day with no blackout times for the pool. No classes however. Gym and pool usually empty.
Jan 2016
8:19am, 25 Jan 2016
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TMW the most local hotel with pool is too far away - think about 6 miles - I wouldn't go . I run to the gym and 6 miles there and back would put me off.

Ideally I would like David Lloyd as I quite like the nice things and think the clientele will be better than I'm used to! It would also suit my gym and swim needs. Sadly we don't have a david Lloyd

My current gym is a council one so what I'm trying to establish is are these others going to be a better option! The 24 hour thing appeals although I will probably not use it much out of hours but mine closes 8pm at weekends and it rubbish for bank holidays/ Christmas etc
Jan 2016
8:43am, 25 Jan 2016
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Red Ant
I used to go to Virgin Active (when I lived in Essex). It is cheaper than DL and offers you full access to the spa area (which you have to pay extra for with DL). VA has loads of classes etc. Do you have one of those near you?
Jan 2016
9:57am, 25 Jan 2016
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No , I just have puregym, anytime fitness and fit4less

Just found out that puregym doesn't have TVs on the machines, probably not a major thing as they have free wifi so can watch stuff on my phone.
Jan 2016
10:31am, 25 Jan 2016
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CC2 Speedy Goth
I just went back to Pure Gym after a year at DW Fitness. I never actually even dipped my toe in the pool there and it cost more than twice as much. Pure Gym is fine. I pay £23 a month and can use almost every single one of them except some in central London. Classes are hit and miss, I've been to some great ones and some terrible ones. You can download an app to book the classes and you do need to be on the balll with that as the goods ones really do fill up quickly. The treadies usually only run for an hour, although I have found a few rogue ones that go for 90 mins. Most of the machinery has a charging port for ipods etc. It's 24 hours 365 days a year. Clean, basic and unpretentious.
Jan 2016
11:16am, 25 Jan 2016
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Can you use the more expensive London ones by paying a premium? I was told I can use the ones which are the same price or less than my membership which is £18.99 .

When you say the good classes fill up does that include body pump and spin?
Jan 2016
11:19am, 25 Jan 2016
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I was a member of a local (to my work which is 30 miles from home) PureGym and to echo everyone else it was spotless, great range of machines which are well maintained and fantastic range of classes ( I was lucky in that the instructors were attentive and knew what they were doing) all great value for Glasgow city centre.

No screens which wasn't a problem for me and open whilst I was doing shift work.

I only cancelled my membership as the shifts were getting too much and with the gym visits I was spending far too much time away from home.
Jan 2016
11:20am, 25 Jan 2016
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I suppose you've checked, but as you are a pool member at a university, does it have gym membership as well? I was a member of a uni gym which was around £20 a month (including use of nearly all other facilities: pool, track, classes, pitches).
Jan 2016
11:30am, 25 Jan 2016
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Dvorak, they do have a nice new gym but they only allow students and staff to have membership there which is annoying. Having said that, during holiday time the opening hours are not that good. I had thought I could join the gym at the uni (which prob wouldn't be that much more than the pool membership) then over the summer when the uni has rubbish hours join one of the cheaper gyms! It would still be less than I am paying at the moment (uni pool plus council gym and pool)

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Maintained by hellen
Hi, I have been a member of the same gym since I moved here (over 10 years) I am getting increasingl...
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