Oct 2010
4:06pm, 21 Oct 2010
7,174 posts
Naomi P
I really like that idea. Would be the perfect boost to my speed and fitness plus be a good break from all the miles, and be just the sort of short sharp shock treatment I need. Top link, thanks PE
Oct 2010
4:34pm, 21 Oct 2010
4,383 posts
Back to your original idea, NP ... I think it would be fine to to the intervals if you think you can recover quickly enough from them to do all the other sessions in the P&D plan as well.
Oct 2010
4:57pm, 21 Oct 2010
7,175 posts
Naomi P
Cool, thanks Bree. I seem to bounce back from intervals pretty easily and was progressing well from them in spring. And if P&D's even partly responsible for your times, then I'm definitely going to give it a go!
Oct 2010
5:19pm, 21 Oct 2010
4,384 posts
This is my first time on P&D, though I did choose it because it is very similar to what I was doing before.
Oct 2010
1:46pm, 23 Oct 2010
4,388 posts
How do you get your long run in on a weekend where there is a tune-up race? The plan has three of these with the race on a Saturday and the long run on Sunday, which would be great, but I can't find any Saturday races. So if I race on Sunday, when do I do the long run?
If I do it on the Saturday I won't run well on the Sunday. Can't find enough time on a Monday as it is back to work. I suppose I could do the extra miles either straight after the race or on the Sunday afternoon, but that doesn't sound good.
Any suggestions?
Oct 2010
2:16pm, 23 Oct 2010
4,297 posts
Son of a Pronator Man
Not many races are on Saturdays so it can be hard to follow the plan exactly. Most of the tune up races were shorter so what I did was go out and run that distance as close to race pace as possible. Not quite the same, but the best I could do. Adding extra training miles on after a race to make it up to long run distance is hard. I tried that once and quit after about 5 miles when I should have added on 10 - mentallly I was just not up for it.
Oct 2010
2:43pm, 23 Oct 2010
330 posts
Bree what I was able to do was to swapped the midweek LR to LSR, then use Saturday as a recovery/easy run then race on Sunday. I personally think that it doesn't really matter if you are a few miles short on that week because you can use it as a recovery week.
Nov 2010
7:32pm, 12 Nov 2010
1,962 posts
the terminator
Shit a brick, probably been discussed on here a million times but have just entered 55-70mpw schedule, as linked in newsletter, into my plan and seems it doesn't schedule even one day off in 18 weeks? Without reading the book how exactly are they justifying the suggestion that no rest days are required? Is it really just too advanced for me possibly? I feel as if I could cope with the mileage without a problem but do enjoy the odd rest day.
Nov 2010
7:38pm, 12 Nov 2010
345 posts
Terminator - Monday suggest rest or cross training...I think most people take it as a rest day... I do!.
Nov 2010
7:40pm, 12 Nov 2010
1,963 posts
the terminator
Cheers Boing Boing Baggie, will consider that for sure. How do you find the plans on the whole?