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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

8 lurkers | 86 watchers
Mar 2008
12:48pm, 27 Mar 2008
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VO2 max isn't particularly important for marathons (in comparison to Lactate Threshold). The intervals in the book are set at 600m generally, although some are 1000m. In terms of the session you're talking about, Pfitzinger/Douglas will have chosen 600m for a specific reason, increasing the length of it will alter the type benefit gained. Increasing the number of intervals wil increase the amount of benefit gained, i.e. your total workout time at the interval speed. You will/should run a 600m interval at a quicker pace than you'd run a 1000m interval.

I'm no science expert tough so couldn't tell you in detail the difference in effect that 10 * 600m intervals would have compared to 6 * 1000m, both of which would have the same workout distance.

I'd also add that most of the books I've read (inlcuding another written by Pfitzinger & Douglas) do not mention 600m intervals. They generally talk about 100m, 200m, 400m intervals as short intervals and then 800m upwards for long intervals. They also discuss the specific benefits of "short" intervals and "long" intervals and the differences. It seems odd to me that 600m intervals are included in the P&D schedules. My next marathon after FLM will be FLM 09. For that, I'll probably use a P&D schedule but will probably substitute the 600m intervals for 800m intervals.
Mar 2008
12:48pm, 27 Mar 2008
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I'm getting a bit annoyed by the fetch glossary thing, it makes posts look silly.
Mar 2008
12:50pm, 27 Mar 2008
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SP - you can turn them off. Click on Talk, and there is an option there above the list of threads
Mar 2008
12:54pm, 27 Mar 2008
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B Rubble
Stephen, what do you think of the 8 miles with 3x1600m @ 5k race pace scheduled by P&D for today (Paris Marathon a week Sunday)? My thoughts were that they may be a bit long (better to do 6-10x800m).
Mar 2008
12:57pm, 27 Mar 2008
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I love 1k intervals (random post)
Mar 2008
12:58pm, 27 Mar 2008
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that'll do the trick. Cheers Sparky.

BR - Most of the stuff that I've read indicates intervals up to 2 miles are do-able, any longer and it's not worth it. So mile repeats, you should be fine. At this stage it's less about making physiological improvements (as you should be tapering) and more about keeping your body used to running at pace so you don't lose speed. The mile intervals will be better than 800m for that.
Mar 2008
12:59pm, 27 Mar 2008
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BW > You must be mad. I hate all intervals. In fact, I'd probably go as far as to say I dislike all speedwork. I enjoy the 20+ mile runs at a nice comfortable pace. Speedwork is a necessary evil in my opinion.
Mar 2008
1:05pm, 27 Mar 2008
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B Rubble
Thanks Stephen, I shall trust P&D, they have helped me up to now. It will be the last intervals session before the marathon.
Mar 2008
1:08pm, 27 Mar 2008
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In P&D we trust!


Good luck in Paris, what time are you hoping for?
Mar 2008
1:12pm, 27 Mar 2008
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Pz and D said the reason for the 600m was cos their was a race that week. the reason I increased them was because I wasnt doing the race and it seems to be the consensus that longer intervals are more appropriate for marathons. So I think they put in the 600s cos they feel we should be doing something but dont want us to do too much if there is a race that week

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