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If it's NYE it must be the NH Brussels Airport...

12:55pm, 31st Dec 2024 | 5 Comments
Blog by Yorkshire Pie | More by this blogger | More bloggers
Looking back through my Facebook memories yesterday was at least the third time we've been to Diegem on 30 December (plus at least one year when it was on a different date). A floodlight urban cross race on the outskirts of Brussels which is a drunken party even by Belgian standards. They back a beer tanker up to one of the beer tents.

The first year we flew, stayed in the city centre and got the train out to the race. When we started driving we realized that lots of the Brussels airport hotels are actually on a business park on the outskirts of Diegem and much easier to drive to/park at. The one we usually stay at is next door to the station and closer to the race than the official public parking. The supporter buses park outside.

As it's an evening race we had a morning free before we could check in and head down to the race so we stopped for a wander round Mechelen. A very pleasant little town, complete with nutcrackers.

The mascot of the town apparently symbolises drunkenness. It felt somewhat appropriate...

I'd actually squeezed a short run in first before we left Breda. I wanted to keep my once a week streak intact and it was as good an opportunity as I'll get. It was all good and I used Garmin navigation again, but I did realise at the end of the day just how many steps I'd done between that, Mechelen and walking round at the cross.

Anyway, the cross was good although it's very crowded and there were a few people who were just a bit too drunk. Enthusiastic support is fine as long as you're not pushing the people next to you into the riders... I heard someone throwing up in the portaloo next to me before the racing even started. We stayed away from the ambiance tent, although I'm sure we'll venture in at one of the calmer races. In shock news the frite stalls now seem to have veggie options to go with the frites. And there was a waffle van. Hopefully it will be at other races so I can get some!

So to today. NYE is usually a day with no racing so we usually go for a ride. We won't make it out to the Atomium for the fireworks tonight so decided to head there on our ride instead. We did a bigger loop and then came back in that way. Bloody cold again with a nasty wind, but at least slightly less damp. We had to navigate round roads that are closed for tonight, but we've made it back to the hotel to refuel and warm up.

And I think it counts for a NYE themed photo for the treasure hunt.

We're next to the station so the plan is to get the train into the city centre later. We can eat in the hotel though if we don't fancy it. Either way, we won't be staying out til midnight, as the racing resumes on NYD :)

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Yorkshire Pie

I was a runner. I discovered bikes. I didn't run a step for several years. And now I'm running again. Not much, but it's coming back...
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