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every mile you've run is worth it...

7:32am, 30th Sep 2024 | 8 Comments
Blog by usc215 🇩🇪 | More by this blogger | More bloggers
I recently joined the Coplant study (https://www.coplant-studie.de/en/coplant-homepage.html) and am in the "all-eaters" group. As part of the study, various medical examinations are carried out, including the age of the blood vessels and the bone quality index.... and these values knocked my socks off!

A brief history: 20 years ago, I smoked 20 cigarettes a day, drank alcohol every day, was overweight and had terrible back and knee pain. I stopped smoking and started jogging a little... after a few months the pain was gone and jogging was forgotten again. For about 5 years I've been living low-carb and no longer drink alcohol, for 3 years I've been jogging almost daily, my BMI is now 21 ... and it's unbelievable what effects this has had in this relatively short time!!!

I'm now 60 years old and the age of my blood vessels and my bone quality index are in the range of a 31-year-old person!!!

That means that if I want to live to be 100 years old, I still have 70 years to go... :)

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usc215 🇩🇪

rejuvenationolympics.com is my motivation :)
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