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Interesting Things

3:51pm, 22nd Jan 2024 | 3 Comments
Blog by Yorkshire Pie | More by this blogger | More bloggers
I'm sort of planning to do my own thing later this week rather than listening to Join - it's the last week of my 3 month base plan, and we're away at the weekend so I will be doing whatever we want to do rather than what the plan says.  However, I was planning to stick to the plan until Friday...

Today said intensive endurance.  My default option for this would be Coco.  But I decided to go back to Early Birdies for a change (I'd already ticked off the current Tour de Zwift stage which would have been the other option).  Early Birdies is usually a bit more interesting, and is *meant* to come out at 2.5wkg average.  Quite often it's a fairly steady ride with optional sprints and regroups which you can just roll through if you want a steady one, and then a harder 5 or 10 minutes if you want it at the end.  But not today... several ramp ups, and an average by the end of 2.8.  Whoops.  It was all doable, just not the session I was *meant* to be doing!

My penance will be to do tomorrow's Tour de Zwift endurance workout on erg mode rather than just seeing what happens ;)

I got out for a short walk at lunchtime.  A bit breezy, but I got photos for some of the 5 interesting things within a mile of work for the January treasure hunt that I hadn't already got.

We'll start with work itself.  This used to be almshouses parlington.co.uk there is now a more modern building behind the old one, not really visible from the road.  The new building has much better heating than the old one ;)

Speaking of the Parlington estate, interesting thing 2 is the arch - commemorating the American War of Independence parlington.co.uk

And still on the estate, interesting thing 3 is Nelly's Tree, the 2018 English and British Tree of the Year en.wikipedia.org

Back into the village, it's very long and thin.  The road running through it is the Great North Road, although the newer A1 now takes most of the traffic.  But back in the day it was the main road, and you can see the remains of the many coaching inns as you walk through the village.  This one's my favourite because they've not gone for the "Old xyz" approach.

There's only one pub left in Aberford these days (and even that one closed for a while last year and has only just reopened under new owners).  But apparently it's the only one in England with the name.  There's a sign on the outside of the building explaining it.

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Yorkshire Pie

I was a runner. I discovered bikes. I didn't run a step for several years. And now I'm running again. Not much, but it's coming back...
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