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4:26pm, 12th Apr 2023 | 6 Comments
Blog by Yorkshire Pie | More by this blogger | More bloggers
Monday was just what I needed :)  I actually felt refreshed after the long weekend, rather than feeling like I crammed too much in and never got to actually recover.

I need to catch up on the Easter treasure hunt.  There's a bit of a theme going on here...

Chick - this one was transported home by bakfiets on Friday.

Egg - I forgot to take a photo of Liam's lunch while we were at the deli yesterday, but spotted these on the counter. Not just any chocolate egg...

My easter - bikes, ice cream, sea.

Telling Join that we have a century planned for Sunday means that it has given me Friday and Saturday off, but has crammed three days of structure in before then (probably a good job I was properly recovered!).  Yesterday was a short but sharp 30 minute V02 pyramid, and today was what I think was my first session with long threshold efforts for quite some time.  "Only" 2 x 10 minutes, but it was more than enough!  Tomorrow is an easier but longer session  - 90 minutes of z2 with 6 x 1 minute strength efforts.  I could potentially do it outside, but the weather doesn't look that appealing so I will probably just stick to the turbo.

But the weekend does look better, and rest day or not I'll probably do a short easy spin on Saturday just to check the langma over before taking her out properly on Sunday.  And it might finally warm up properly :) The knees might even finally come out!

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Yorkshire Pie

I was a runner. I discovered bikes. I didn't run a step for several years. And now I'm running again. Not much, but it's coming back...
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