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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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March Treasure Hunt

8:03pm, 11th Apr 2023 | 6 Comments
Blog by Marmite | More by this blogger | More bloggers
1 Home
I celebrated a significant birthday with my husband, children and their families and although we weren’t actually at our house just being with them made me feel at home.

2 Sunset
Cheated a little, I knew I would get a better sunset at my mother’s in April looking out to sea rather than at home.

3 Fave Tree
We have visited this tree for years at Mottisfont.

4 Old Building
. Mottisfont, I am lucky enough to be able to walk there when I feel like it.

5 Interesting door
Mottisfont again, I love the way the door is made to look like part of the wall decoration.
I find doors halfway up a wall fascinating.

6 Pink
There are two of these bushes almost covering the wall of one of the local houses.

7 circle
The sundial at Mottisfont in the rose garden, it is a wonderful place to visit during the rose season.

8 Made of Wood
The frame ready and waiting for climbing plants.

9 Mode of Transport
Hopefully I will ever need to use this vehicle to get to the rose garden at Mottisfont from the garden entrance.

10 Beneath your feet
Many of my run/walks require me to clamber over stiles.

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A middle aged plodder who trots occasionally to ensure I can eat chocolate and drink wine.
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