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Rainbow Lorikeet having a drink

2:28pm, 5th Mar 2023 | 3 Comments
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Started running March 2013 to try to build my fitness for field hockey. My initial goal was to be able to run around the 'big block' which was one mile along each side. Eventually was able to do that, though slowly. What to do next? Try faster or longer? Faster seemed out of reach, so ran longer. In May 2013 ran farther than ever before: 10km. Apart from 12km later that month I didn't run that far again until Dec 2013. Eventually thought about trying to run as far as a half marathon. Took a while to do that, pondered what next and was drawn to trying to do a marathon. Ran my first marathon in Nov 2016, and have gone on to run three more marathons and three ultras (56km, 56km, 50km).
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