What is exercise?

5 watchers
Jul 2018
10:47am, 6 Jul 2018
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The two walks I show are both about 1.5 miles at over 4mph, I wasn't breathing any differently but on the one in May I was warm when I finished. There are a few main points I have, the first is that I don't believe that people typically walk at anything like that speed and I don't believe that people typically walk that far without stopping but even if they did there is absolutely nothing special about me so I believe that the supposed benefits of walking that people go on about are a nice theory without any support.
I have taken part in a long distance walk (25 Miles) in the Black Mountains part of the Beacons called the Black Mountains Roundabout ldwa.org.uk but sadly I don't have any data from this. I would call this decent exercise but to put it into context at no point was I working as hard as I do in a parkrun and the evidence is that intensity is everything.

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Maintained by The_Saint
Recently in the parkrun thread I caused some quite odd accusations with my observations on walking a...

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