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Wed 1st Jul 2020 at 9:00am by DavidGould

Run > General

  • warm
  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Cals
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Hundon - Poslingford - Hundon

What an entertainingly gruesome run!

The idea was to run a "virtual RR10" race. These are fortnightly races held over the summer and are offroad races organised by and for a number of running clubs back down south, mostly around the New Forest.

Consequently, I set off enthusiastically. Rather too enthusiastically, given my recent lack of training and excess tonnage. Before I'd covered a mile, I was starting to think I might already have over-cooked it a bit. Then, by the top of the 2nd small rise, the wheels fell off.

The weather was overcast but at least it was dry. It was also very humid, and that made breathing hard (that and my indecently low levels of fitness). It was all a bit much, and I ground to an ignominious halt a few times going up some of the hills. At one point, I thought I might as well take a picture of the nice view and the phone's camera started playing silly buggers, which nearly capped it all.

The actual "For Freddie's Sake" moment came when I was (it turned out) about 1km from home and the fitbit ran out of juice. It had had 50% charge, which should have been plenty for 45 or 50 minutes. It's a couple of years old and the battery is probably giving up the ghost. At least the fitbit remembers what it's done: I've had watches that forgot everything if they ran out mid-run. What the fitbit doesn't do is to realise I've finished, so it thinks I took over an hour because that's when it got turned back on. The time up above is my actual time (more or less: the clock on my phone seems unable to cope with seconds).

OSmaps to the rescue: I got accurate distance and elevation for the whole run and those are the numbers in the stats. The elevation profile is fitbit's, so it's short.

So, a lot of hard, hot work for not a lot of gain. And the heavy breathing niggled my cracked rib, so that's another entertainment.

The upside is that a fenix 6X Pro is on the way. Toys!

Split Summary
1) 6.33km - 1:00:49(9:36/km) 548cal


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  • Pace
  • Elev
  • HR
  • B/mi
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mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.13 1:10 1:10 9:21 123 89-145 1151 0/2
0.25 2:23 1:13 9:45 144 137-148 1404 1/0
0.38 3:49 1:25 11:23 123 113-138 1400 1/3
0.50 4:57 1:09 9:10 139 129-146 1275 2/1
0.63 6:27 1:30 11:56 139 127-144 1659 8/0
0.75 7:41 1:14 9:52 153 122-165 1510 1/4
0.88 8:53 1:12 9:40 160 155-167 1547 0/4
1.00 10:09 1:16 10:06 161 155-166 1626 4/0
1.13 11:40 1:31 12:09 158 139-169 1920 5/1
1.25 12:55 1:14 9:55 161 146-168 1598 0/9
1.38 14:21 1:26 11:30 153 147-161 1758 0/8
1.50 15:49 1:28 11:44 161 151-168 1889 6/1
1.63 17:46 1:57 15:35 162 160-163 2525 10/0
1.75 19:30 1:44 13:52 162 152-165 2246 4/0
1.88 20:47 1:17 10:13 148 141-163 1513 1/2
2.00 22:07 1:20 10:44 163 160-164 1749 0/11
2.13 23:18 1:11 9:31 161 158-164 1532 1/5
2.25 24:40 1:21 10:51 163 160-164 1768 1/0
2.38 26:09 1:29 11:52 163 161-164 1936 5/0
2.50 27:34 1:25 11:21 162 159-164 1838 2/1
2.63 31:08 3:34 28:31 147 129-165 4192 8/0
2.75 32:50 1:42 13:34 151 141-160 2049 3/2
2.88 34:41 1:52 14:53 158 152-163 2351 7/0
3.00 36:07 1:26 11:25 147 145-153 1677 0/7
3.13 37:21 1:15 9:58 161 146-169 1605 0/9
3.25 39:13 1:52 14:53 142 138-145 2114 5/0
3.38 41:06 1:53 15:04 122 105-139 1838 10/0
3.50 42:43 1:37 12:59 121 91-147 1571 5/0
3.63 44:10 1:26 11:32 157 142-164 1810 0/3
3.75 45:31 1:21 10:45 160 156-166 1721 0/4
3.88 47:08 1:37 12:58 156 148-161 2023 2/1
3.94 1:00:49 13:41 3:45:13 155 142-158 34910 0/6

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    151 avge / 169 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    22 2.9% 10:51
    20 3.5% 12:48
    18 2.9% 18:47
    10 2.1% 10:40
    10 3.3% 11:22
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 2:18 9:17 37.95% More
    800m 4:52 9:47 42.91% More
    1km 6:13 10:00 44.28% More
    Mile 10:06 10:06 47.26% More
    5k 37:06 11:56 42.42% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 11:27 11:27 41.67
    5km 38:05 12:15 41.32
    5M 1:03:04 12:37 40.79
    10km 1:19:24 12:47 40.49
    10M 2:11:29 13:09 40.22
    Half 2:55:03 13:22 39.91
    20M 4:34:08 13:42 39.93
    Mara 6:04:58 13:56 40.14


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