Sun 25th Apr 2010 at 9:00am by Aviemore

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Notes & Comments

This was the first race I did this time last year so provides a useful reference point for how I am doing. Last year I finished in just over 54 minutes and this year did it in just under 50 minutes. On the face it a great improvement. Having said that I went on to do the Great Manchester Run in just over 50 minutes a few weeks later. Pleased as I am to have broken 50 minutes I am sure I could have done better had I not decided it was OK to have a few pints at a party last night and go to bed at 1 am. I am not making excuses - far from it. I am simply reminding myself to respect the race!
4:28 4:50 4:51 5:05 5:13 5:13 5:39 5:05 4:46 4:30 4
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0mi in 0


1% 7% 53% 39%


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.25 1:44 1:44 6:55 147 115-160 1018 0/0
0.50 3:34 1:50 7:19 162 160-163 1184 0/0
0.75 5:29 1:55 7:40 165 162-168 1266 0/0
1.00 7:24 1:55 7:40 163 162-164 1249 0/0
1.25 9:21 1:57 7:48 164 163-165 1279 0/0
1.50 11:11 1:51 7:23 165 163-166 1220 0/0
1.75 13:12 2:01 8:04 164 159-168 1323 0/0
2.00 15:19 2:06 8:24 167 166-168 1404 0/0
2.25 17:22 2:03 8:13 167 166-167 1371 0/0
2.50 19:24 2:02 8:08 164 162-166 1334 0/0
2.75 21:29 2:05 8:21 164 163-165 1369 0/0
3.00 23:35 2:06 8:23 167 166-169 1401 0/0
3.25 25:39 2:05 8:19 165 164-167 1371 0/0
3.50 27:44 2:05 8:20 164 160-167 1366 0/0
3.75 29:55 2:10 8:41 161 160-162 1399 0/0
4.00 32:07 2:12 8:48 162 160-165 1425 0/0
4.25 34:24 2:18 9:10 161 158-163 1477 0/0
4.50 36:35 2:11 8:42 165 162-167 1436 0/0
4.75 38:36 2:01 8:05 161 159-164 1302 0/0
5.00 40:42 2:06 8:23 166 165-168 1392 0/0
5.25 42:35 1:53 7:34 169 167-171 1279 0/0
5.50 44:30 1:55 7:41 165 161-170 1267 0/0
5.75 46:28 1:58 7:51 167 166-169 1310 0/0
6.00 48:17 1:49 7:17 170 167-172 1238 0/0
6.21 49:42 1:25 6:46 174 171-177 1178 0/0


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Asc 235m, Range 0m, Flat prediction 49:44
Elevation Graph
No climbs of at least 10 metres detected.


Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
1M 7:11 7:11 56.24
5km 23:52 7:41 57.55
5M 39:32 7:54 56.43
10km 49:46 8:01 55.92
10M 1:22:24 8:14 55.75
Half 1:49:43 8:23 54.94
20M 2:51:49 8:35 55.59
Mara 3:48:45 8:44 55.67
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