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Reverse Age Grading Calculator
Enter a grade and your age to find out how fast you need to run.Here's What You Need
To achieve an age grade of 50% at age 21.Female | Distance | Male |
8:26 8:26/mi | 1 mile | 7:44 7:44/mi |
27:48 8:57/mi | 5k | 25:38 8:15/mi |
45:50 9:10/mi | 5 miles | 42:08 8:26/mi |
57:32 9:16/mi | 10k | 52:48 8:30/mi |
1:34:31 9:27/mi | 10 miles | 1:26:30 8:39/mi |
2:05:53 9:37/mi | Half Mara | 1:54:57 8:46/mi |
3:19:33 9:59/mi | 20 miles | 2:59:41 8:59/mi |
4:28:00 10:14/mi | Marathon | 4:01:28 9:13/mi |
How Age Grading Works
Age Grading (aka WAVA) uses male and female world record information set by people of all ages. When rating your race time, it takes your age and gender into account. Olympians and world class athletes tend to score close to (or even above) 100. The rest of us won't be so high, but it's a good way to compare performances by different people.Here's an article about how age grading works.