Winter Hill Fell Race

Listed by emmilou
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
detritus21 39th overall
Wigan & District Harriers & AC
2:05:00 2:05:00 2:05:00 43.50
emmilou Great race - weather awful to start, raininy and cold but the clouds literally parted at the summit of the navigational nightmare making the decent a 'breeze' Pity the next range of tussocks I fell in a bog an pulled my calf muscle. Still, with only 7 miles to go I soldiered on!!!  Managed a limping sprint finish overtaking 4 blokes who looked like they'd lost the will to live!  Yep - it was a tough one alright but lived to tell the tale and look forward to next year where hopefully I can squash this time and go for sub 2.30 at least!!
Lostock AC
2:42:00 2:42:00 3:00:00 2:42:00 37.73
2:23:40 2:24:13 2:24:13 39.21

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