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Sri Chinmoy Silverknowes 5K

Wed June 4 2008
Listed by LorraineS
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baza Cracking night for a run, and good to see a few Fetchies out too. Started a bit quick, but kept a bit in the tank for the finish to outsprint my club mate. I've loaded a few pics up here http://www.flickr.com/photos/baza help yourself if you want any of them
Carnegie Harriers
17:07 17:27 17:50 17:55 71.79
Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
21:15 22:36 24:02 62.26
cake muncher Placed 6th / 2nd vet. Well organised race and nice pleasant weather made for an enjoyable evening.
Falkland Trail Runners
15:31 16:46 16:49 82.26
Hurry Up Harkins Started too fast and couldn't keep it going. Enjoyed it though.
25:10 26:11 26:00 27:13 50.83
IanS Nice wee race, quite warm and a little breezy. Good Fetch turnout from Phantom, Tigger, Dyslexik, Baza and others. Hard work and 1 second(!) outside a PB, must do better next time...
Harmeny AC
20:41 21:14 21:15 66.10
Harmeny AC
20:46 20:46 21:51 66.85
katypie Hot night, started too fast.  Should never have eaten soup before hand.  What was I thinking?  Good race, great goodies
21:55 24:24 24:24 57.20
Musselburgh & District Athletic Club
18:00 20:10 20:10 66.10
NoPainNoGain 5th
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
15:53 16:39 16:39 78.36
PentlandPounder Got a PB here last year, and on recent form would be shocked and stunned if I didnt stomp it again.

UPDATE -Guess I'm stocked and shunned then. I also had lots of bets, but amn't really that arsed about them. Might not be so cocky next time though.10 secs out is quite annoying but hey, i went for it!! Nice night for it  and met a few new fetchies.
20:57 22:28 22:00 22:28 62.04
20:54 24:09 24:09 53.13

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