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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Sialens Y Barcud Coch - Red Kite Challenge

Sat June 16 2007
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gobi Tough race with some serious climbs 6th overall 

What a great race, next year I shall do both days.

This race had some of the best views and hills I have had the joy of running in and I have run in some nice places. When a hill is too steep for me to climb I am IMPRESSED(not sure thats the right word) Well organised and well run. Polite and useful marshalls good drink stations. Everything ran well except the Prize presentation which took longer to sort than it took me to run the race. 


ps. try this race if you fancy something different BUT DO NOT EXPECT TO GET A PB as this course feels like a half marathon for only 11+ miles
Cannock & Stafford AC
1:19:47 1:19:47 1:19:47 60.64
Rach E People seem to run around their half marathon times on this trail course so I'll stick my neck out and say 85 mins. ***UPDATE*** The hardest race I've ever done! I ran myself to exhaustion and collapsed at the end. Very very steep hills and plunging decents where I just didn't have the guts to plunge myself down. Very enjoyable race BUT if I do another race like this I'll switch more runs from the treadmill to the trails as the hills just killed me! Finished 2nd and very pleased with that as it was my first pseudo-fell race.
Newbury AC, Newbury Velo
1:30:24 1:30:24 1:25:00 1:30:24 57.77

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