Leics & Rutland County XC Champs- Women

Sat January 10 2009
Listed by LambChop
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
DrDebs Depends on conditions/terrain.  Not feeling wonderful but going to GO FOR IT!!!!!...urm....long course!!  4.23 miles!!!!  sorry to anyone that made a bet on me!!!!
Exeter Harriers
27:28 27:28 23:30 27:28 64.49
LambChop First XC race and came plum last! That said pleased with the time considering the course was long.
Hermitage Harriers RC
42:39 42:39 42:39 41.65
Scouse Bird I have put this time down, as I am told it is a slower run/race than road, quite obvious really. So you can have a fluter if you like, I would hope to do it in 40 minutes, my time off road is 30 or just under so, you go with what you know about X country racing!!!! Good luck and if you bet on me I hope you win ! x x x
Also it was not 3.73 as I had my garmin on and the course I ran myself/covered was 4.15 miles! so my time kinda seems a little better when I go off my garmin! Pheweeeee x x x
Fleckney and Kibworth Running Club
41:15 41:15 40:00 41:15 42.91

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