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Great Langdale Christmas Pudding 10km

Sat December 15 2007
Listed by Stepford Wife
Entrants (6)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
DJ Bangey Great conditions for raceing, brilliant views and best of all smashed my PB by over 2 mins even on a pretty undulating course!
Kendal AC
35:43 40:53 40:30 37:20 71.13
Grey Badger Hope my cold goes away before saturday. It did but i got another one.      The race started from a slightly different point this year so about 150m shorter than 10k by my guessing. Still ran well 35m 15sec but it would have been about 36min if it had been the full 10k distance. But i am really pleased with that time as i didnt think i could get anything near a PB never mind beat it.       Super event run by Rod Berry and his gang and it has to be said some of the most stunning views on any run that i have done.
Northumberland Fell Runners
35:28 36:38 38:30 35:15 82.88
49:19 55:47 53:48 50.24
kstuart Last spot of PB beating for the year this one. Update: Twas cold and ever so slightly undulating, i have a cold/cough and sore throat from my trip to rome but i still PB'd be 3 mins. Reap those points.
Trail Running Association, FERC
48:10 55:55 53:59 52:40 50.13
Runtrue Excellent event - loved it even the undulations!
Really didn't think this one would be a pb  - the downhills definitely helped :-)
Bramhall Runners
50:59 55:27 52:41 57.48
Slider45 As with everyone else, I appear to have wangled a pb from this race.  I think, like Grey Badger says, the course may have been a little short.  Nevertheless, it was a beautiful place to go running with a lovely crisp day to match.
Valley Striders AC
34:17 36:09 38:30 35:17 74.94

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