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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Doncaster Half Marathon

Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
1:37:44 1:37:44 1:55:00 1:45:55 54.26
Clarky 1st race ever! Using to build up to FLM 2007. Not sure what the course is like. Would like to break 1hr 50mins. Avg about 8m 30s miles for the first 7 then stepped it up to the finish. Not effortless but a PB and a big negative split!
North Derbyshire RC
1:30:44 1:30:44 1:55:00 1:43:30 55.55
Dickie York 70th of 395 finishers
Pocklington Runners
1:17:41 1:29:30 1:29:30 65.27
Ian121 really enjoyed this ran consistent 9.20/30 min miles after quick 1 st mile
rockingham cycling club
2:03:13 2:04:15 2:15:00 2:04:15 47.01
Laudy Well I jinxed myself by saying I was in good shape. Cruising after 4 miles way below PB pace, my calf went and I can barely walk. Coniston doesn't look good, and I'm considering packing it all in and taking up another sport.
York Knavesmire Harriers
1:44:49 1:50:00
Paul W
1:41:09 1:46:15 1:46:15 63.27
sue c 3rd lady vet, although not my best time. Ran as a hard training run but not full on race for the marathon, tiring towards the end due to my mileage at present. Enjoyed course.Mile markes a little short according to garmin but course distance correct overall.
Enjoyed and put the Snake Lane disaster behind me
Rothwell & District Harriers
1:34:09 1:38:49 1:39:59 63.79
trouty Last HM in Tiger suit before FLM
Doncaster Triathlon Club
1:20:18 1:37:39 1:45:00 1:37:39 64.72
1:44:45 1:47:02 1:51:25 53.96

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