Criffel Hill Race

Listed by Siouxsie
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
bedlam_g Did this as a training/fun run but to my horror found myself in the lead.  Stayed there until just after the summit where 3 proper hill runners took advantage of my crap descent technique and by mile 5 had pushed me back into 4th.  Almost regained 3rd on the road sprint at the end, but ran out of road by 10 seconds.
Bellahouston Road Runners, Cumbernauld AAC, Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
1:02:55 1:02:55 1:02:55 47.53
Roadrunner Bark 9TH Position Overall.
1:08:51 1:08:51 1:08:51 42.45

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