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Aberdeen Jog Scotland Challenge 5K

Wed July 5 2006
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gogsy! First 5k - started treadmill running 6 weeks ago after a 6 mth layoff. (Haven't jogged outside for years.) No idea how I will get on but have high hopes.
Really delighted with my time, but I found it very hot after the air-conditioned gym. I also struggled with the changing terrain but it was a great setting with the sun shining through the trees. Can't wait for my next one.
JogScotland Rosemount
23:37 25:55 30:00 28:17 51.24
Just Jim First 5k.I am steady 10 minute miling, so prediction has to be 31mins!

Hi happycat, probably saw a lot of you during the, race as`we finished almost together wish i had known we were fellow Fetchers!!
Hidden Peak Running
21:49 26:31 31:00 29:19 46.85
Ultracat Hot evening, too hot for me to run well.  Lovely course around Hazlehead even though it was uphill for the first 1k.  Got a t-shirt, medal, fridge magnet, goody bag with choc. etc Very beginner friendly race where you could run/jog/walk.

Tshirt has on it  Run: Succeed: Enjoy
Metro Aberdeen
26:18 26:18 28:00 29:13 57.05

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