21st Jan 2008 at 10:56am
Ellem: A bowl with food still in it - not in my house !!!!!!!! -
21st Jan 2008 at 11:15pm
dd: Ellem the bowl has food in it cos they like to eat the meat and leave the biscuits to snack on during the day! (they are resourceful like that). Also i suspect they dont *love* the dry food but it is good for them. Its like kids and vegetables...they will eat them if there is nothing else! And Deryl beleive me this moment of cleanliness was very brief Everytime they are out they get filth. But they appear to be 'self cleaning' dogs! -
21st Jan 2008 at 11:22pm
BigD(akaSam): Know what you mean. Our borders get soaked and caked in mud but overnight they dry out, the mud turns to dust and drops off them and in the morning they're clean and everywhere else is covered in a film of dust. Lovely dogs. -
22nd Jan 2008 at 10:46am
dd: Yes BigD(aka Sam) thats exactly what happens to us. Voila the dogs are clean but the house is filthy! Worst is the bed. They *arent* allowed on the bed but when we come home at night mysteriously it ends up covered in and full of sand! -
5th Feb 2008 at 9:49pm
Not in the in crowd: What beautiful dogs! They look like butter woudlnt' melt.:)