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My commuter bike

6th Sep 2011 by
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  • 7th Sep 2011 at 8:07am
    runnerbean: did you know one wheel was bigger than the other? lol
  • 7th Sep 2011 at 3:07pm
    Dai Bank: God now I'll have to have the floor done as well as the kitchen!
    Nice but wouldn't semi-slicks be better?
  • 7th Sep 2011 at 3:17pm
    cathrobinson: Possibly, but I'm hoping to do some off-road as part of my commute, plus I'm hoping that having the knobblies on will make it a bit harder to it helps towards my overall fitness.

    And yes, beanie - it's a modern-day Raleigh Chopper ;)
  • 7th Sep 2011 at 4:22pm
    runnerbean: you could always tie an old person to the back and pull along that would help your fitness quite a lot....

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