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Intervals at the sacred elipse, and not a bad session, 3x4x400 with an average lap time of 74.6
19th Apr 2008 by Runs With Coyotes
19th Apr 2008 at 10:03am
Baron: great photo, I love the mountains. -
19th Apr 2008 at 5:54pm
JulesR: (4x74.6) + [(9/400)x74.6] = 298.4 + 1.6785 = 300.08 secs = 5.001 mins. So close!! -
22nd Apr 2008 at 10:54am
Smile2: tis too good -
29th Apr 2008 at 1:21pm
jude: great form aswell! Looking forward to hearing about the sub-5 olympics:)
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