Intervals during aerobic base training

19 watchers
Apr 2018
8:36am, 26 Apr 2018
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Quite happy that I sustained 10 sec speed over the 20 sec rep, although I know GPS can't 100% be trusted on short reps.

1) 0m - 5(1:24:53/m) 98/100bpm 0.7/1.48mph
2) 0.03m - 10(5:21/m) 115/127bpm 1cal 11.21/13.63mph
3) 0.09m - 1:57(21:16/m) 113/148bpm 14cal 2.82/14.51mph
4) 0m - 5(26:12/m) 97/102bpm 2.29/3.21mph
5) 0.04m - 10(4:40/m) 117/130bpm 12.87/14.44mph
6) 0.1m - 2:04(19:48/m) 115/152bpm 14cal 3.03/14.97mph
7) 0.01m - 5(12:32/m) 100/103bpm 4.79/2.09mph
8) 0.04m - 10(4:41/m) 119/133bpm 1cal 12.83/15.51mph
9) 0.11m - 2:11(20:45/m) 117/154bpm 16cal 2.89/15.55mph
10) 0m - 5(17:24/m) 105/109bpm 3.45/2.02mph
11) 0.04m - 10(4:23/m) 124/137bpm 1cal 13.68/16.74mph
12) 0.11m - 2:06(19:47/m) 124/159bpm 18cal 3.03/15.72mph
13) 0.01m - 5(16:30/m) 107/109bpm 3.64/2.57mph
14) 0.04m - 10(4:24/m) 125/138bpm 1cal 13.62/15.36mph
15) 0.11m - 2:19(21:57/m) 124/158bpm 19cal 2.73/15.8mph
16) 0m - 5(19:13/m) 111/114bpm 3.12/2.15mph
17) 0.08m - 20(4:24/m) 143/164bpm 3cal 13.62/15.05mph
18) 0.03m - 16(9:14/m) 167/169bpm 3cal 6.5/13.99mph
Apr 2018
8:53am, 26 Apr 2018
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Ninky Nonk
Looks good.

I tend to like the idea of coming at things from both sides.

Longer/more reps slower than race pace with short recoveries. Progressively getting faster and shorter.

Shorter reps faster than race pace with longer recoveries. Progressively getting longer/more reps trying to maintain speed.
Apr 2018
10:11am, 26 Apr 2018
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Interesting NN.

I'm not sure I've ever done reps over 800m, lol.

Anything long will likely be done on road in a fartlek session.
Apr 2018
1:09pm, 28 Apr 2018
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12 x 200, with 200 jog, aim circa 1500 PB pace (36 secs).

Split Summary
1) 0.12m - 37(5:06/m) 153/166bpm 6cal 11.76/12.52mph
2) 0.15m - 1:15(8:30/m) 152/167bpm 17cal 7.06/12.15mph
3) 0.12m - 37(5:12/m) 156/167bpm 8cal 11.52/12.46mph
4) 0.14m - 1:12(8:17/m) 152/169bpm 16cal 7.25/11.54mph
5) 0.12m - 36(5:03/m) 163/175bpm 8cal 11.87/12.56mph
6) 0.14m - 1:08(7:49/m) 162/176bpm 17cal 7.68/12.27mph
7) 0.12m - 35(4:46/m) 166/179bpm 9cal 12.6/13.11mph
8) 0.14m - 1:05(7:36/m) 163/179bpm 17cal 7.9/12.82mph
9) 0.12m - 35(5:04/m) 168/179bpm 8cal 11.85/13.23mph
10) 0.15m - 1:11(7:53/m) 163/179bpm 18cal 7.61/12.84mph
11) 0.12m - 34(4:53/m) 166/179bpm 8cal 12.27/13.25mph
12) 0.14m - 1:05(7:36/m) 167/180bpm 17cal 7.89/13mph
13) 0.13m - 37(4:54/m) 168/178bpm 9cal 12.23/12.5mph
14) 0.14m - 1:04(7:50/m) 165/179bpm 16cal 7.65/12.19mph
15) 0.12m - 38(5:07/m) 167/178bpm 9cal 11.71/12.77mph
16) 0.14m - 1:03(7:44/m) 164/178bpm 16cal 7.76/12.02mph
17) 0.12m - 37(5:05/m) 167/178bpm 9cal 11.82/13.02mph
18) 0.14m - 1:04(7:33/m) 168/180bpm 17cal 7.94/12.33mph
19) 0.13m - 36(4:47/m) 169/179bpm 9cal 12.56/13mph
20) 0.14m - 1:04(7:48/m) 167/181bpm 16cal 7.7/12.54mph
21) 0.12m - 36(4:54/m) 172/181bpm 9cal 12.26/12.46mph
22) 0.14m - 1:02(7:24/m) 170/181bpm 16cal 8.11/12.52mph
23) 0.13m - 35(4:33/m) 173/183bpm 9cal 13.19/13.73mph

Next time would keep recovery in the 55-65 range.

Did 70, 70, 75, 75, 150, 150 sprints before that.
Apr 2018
1:58pm, 28 Apr 2018
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Ninky Nonk
I wish my heart rate went that high!

If i were you I'd slow the pace on the recoveries but keep it to a minute and crank the pace up a bit on the efforts. Really put the hammer down on the efforts and generate some lactate to force clearance.

If you want to keep it more aerobic the difference between the two 200s should be more like 15secs. So 40/55. More of a roll on/roll off.
Apr 2018
2:40pm, 28 Apr 2018
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When I used to race with a HRM I saw 206, 207 for race ending efforts regularly. I hit 215 at the end of my first ever 800m but wasn't sure it was correct, although it definitely could have been given how I felt. Not sure if my max is still at that level but pretty sure it's still over 200.

Interesting observations, I almost went for 75 sec recovery and cranked up the pace but decided against it.

The lactate clearance idea is interesting. I presume you're suggesting less than 200m jog recovery? May be something I try at some point.

Remember this is my first session for awhile though so feel I don't want to crank up too soon. The plan is currently to switch to sets of 200, 300, 400 and some hybrid sets as we discussed last week when I want to work on lactate stuff (thinking in a month)

I wanted to keep them close to MD pace so wouldn't drop the pace down with that in mind. With the 1500m pace, I think it's still fairly aerobic with 60 secs recovery (fits with Pirie and a Magness rhythm session). 40/55 would work if I want to do something at 5000 pace.

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Maintained by Ninky Nonk
Should interval or repetition sets be included in periods of base training, and what pace, intervals...

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