Ankle ligament damage :(

5 watchers
Nov 2012
10:20pm, 4 Nov 2012
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Not so lazytoad!
I can walk on it although if I walk a long way or over uneven ground it aches and sometimes hurts. I seem to get aching on the outside of my ankle but pain around the inside and at the very bottom of my shin where it joins my ankle. It has substantially improved but still feels very delicate if that makes sense.
Nov 2012
10:38pm, 4 Nov 2012
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Just re-did my ankle yesterday quite badly. Only a week after rolling it badly and straining it.

Needless to say I'm not impressed. I really need to do something to strengthen my ankles and improving their flexibility. Not sure what though.
Nov 2012
9:19am, 5 Nov 2012
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Not so lazytoad!
Sorry to hear that Fozzy heres hoping that your on the mend soon. Lots of rest and an ankle support should help in the short term.
Nov 2012
9:54am, 5 Nov 2012
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Toad, that sounds pretty much like my experience then. Would probably still be good to see a physio privately if you can manage, but I would try and not get too worried if I were you - my ankle hurt in the situations and the places you describe for quite a while after going over on it, too.

Fozzy, sorry to hear that. For strenghtening exercises, try standing on one leg again - but also try it with your eyes closed. Or throw a pillow into the air and catch it again, standing on one leg. Maybe think about buying some sort of wobble board, and then do those exercises on it.
Nov 2012
10:13am, 5 Nov 2012
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Not so lazytoad!
Thanks Spiced Apple, you have put my mind at rest a little :) Its frustrating as it looks like im going to have to withdraw from the Leeds Abbey dash 10k as it would be foolish to go from nothing to 10k on a dodgy ankle! Oh well best laid plans and all that :)
Nov 2012
8:54am, 12 Nov 2012
163 posts
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Not so lazytoad!
Hi All

Thought I would pop in and post how im getting along, this no better really so waiting on my physio appointment from the NHS to come through. It was recommended to my by a fellow parkrunner that I may benefit from some compression socks. I bought some cheepy ones from Sportsdirect and wore them to the gym on Sunday, I have to say if nothing else they made my ankle feel more stable :)

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Maintained by Nutso Lazytoad!
Hi All

About 8 weeks ago whilst walking down some stairs I went over on my ankle banged my shin t...

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