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Activity monitors: any advice?

2 watchers
May 2014
11:13am, 2 May 2014
527 posts
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Shame about the fuelband - it does look very "cool"!!

I like the fitbit but I can see how it would be easy to lose interest because of the lack of display. I think the garmin display might hold my interest longer but I have small wrists and it does look more bulky than the fitbit
May 2014
12:16pm, 9 May 2014
First-time poster!!
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I have a fuelband and haven't had any problems with the device itself - website occasionally appears to have issues.

Driving confuses it though - I got a significant number of points for driving across France despite sitting on my bum for 12 hours
May 2014
12:39pm, 9 May 2014
10,133 posts
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I've just a vivofit for my birthday. so far its pretty cool. I like the fact it complements my Garmin Forerunner 220 and I can all my activities fromt he 2 devices in 1 place.
It also pairs with my 220 HRM strap, so if you have a Garmin already it is likely to work with that HRM instead of forking out for a vivofit one.

Will update more in a few days when I've played with it more and seen what the sleep tracker records.
May 2014
9:31am, 12 May 2014
534 posts
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Look forward to hearing how you get on, Girlie :)

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Maintained by emmdeecee
Has anyone tried any of the activity monitors e.g. jawbone, fitbit, garmin vivofit, nike fuelband? I...
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