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January Filler - the rest

8:21am, 27th Jan 2025 | 3 Comments
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I’ve already #1, the Unwanted Present, just over a week ago, fetcheveryone.com/blog-share.php?id=494250 , and here’s the rest of my pics for Chrisity’s January Filler

2. New Life
There’s quite a few fat donkeys around, but seems rude to ask!
So, my back garden. Not so much brand new, as re-incarnation. None so new as to be out in flower though.

I did spot bunches in Sainsbury’s in the week. They took a few days, but slowly coming out. I assumed if they’re selling Easter Eggs, then they might as well be selling Easter daffs.

Or, as I blogged the other day, new life on, or in my feet …

3. Seasonal Weather
From the week where the cars needing de-icing. Any time of day.

4. A sad decoration
Upset that I only saw the list the day after the decorations disappeared upstairs. But then come lunch time, I took the Philly out the fridge. And thought “How odd”. Then rapidly “How sad … that marketing departments for things that have no link to Christmas need to do this”

And then Saturday, as I walked to the paper shop, a discarded sad tree. A decoration in itself, but without any additional decorations.

5. Cross Country
Another one I was cross with. On 6th Jan we took RainbowRider to So’ton Station for her to catch her CROSS COUNTY train back to Manchester! I missed that. (Missed taking a pic of the train, not missed the train!)
So instead, here’s a view from our recent cross country run. Although I’m not sure what defines cross country from trail from off-road. Most of our runs do have chunks that are not on a path or trail or road. So by definition must be a-cross some countryside. Here’s Black Knowl if you want to visit, or think you’ve been there, from Ober Corner.

6. Dawn or dusk
It’s been 100% cloud cover here for days, so other than light level, not much difference between dawn, day and dusk.
Here’s a few ‘early morning’ rather than absolute dawn pictures from the paper shop walk.

And a week later, I did it again. This time some shots in the sun

And a self portrait, with the shadow showing the early morning nature

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Decided to take my retirement and focus on me time.
More than 6 years on and still running, walking, deer stalking and taking photos.
SWCP and Wainwrights still work in progress.
Not getting any faster.
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