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8:25pm, 19th Oct 2024 | 2 Comments
Blog by Jen HB | More by this blogger | More bloggers
I was intending on doing parkrun (and the Doctor K cup) but a friend messaged on Friday to suggest going for a walk with other friends as the forecast looked good. As they were friends I hadn't seen in some time decided that it would be good to catch up.

It was nice having a slightly slower start than normal for a Satur54day (which also meant that I think we avoided most of the rain).
Headed out to the village of Ticknall and then did a short loop along the paths into Calke Abbey - where I then bought a cook book from the charity bookshop.

Fortunately, it fitted nicely into my rucksack (which I was glad about - it weighed 1.2kg! and afterwards we still walked another 5km)

By this time the sun had come out and it had turned into a pleasant autumn afternoon.

Unfortunately, (in terms of the Doctor K cup) none of the different sections of the walk were 5km (or more) [sections- car to coffee shop in Calke, coffee shop to picnic lunch stop, lunch stop back to car]

Does 'cook book' count as a K picture?

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Jen HB

I ran my first marathon last year (2021) and then everything went belly up in August - knees suddenly became swollen which has now resulted in a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. I'm now trying to build up gradually while listening to my body - and have set myself the additional challenge of trying to go for a swim at least once a month
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