F'Laps - an hourly blog

10:36pm, 5th Jul 2024 | F’Laps | 21 Comments
Blog by FunkyPOM | More by this blogger | More bloggers
25 minutes to go until I start at 8am (11pm Fri in Fetchland), hopefully the check-in system can cope

Woke around 6 and decided to have a relaxing start to the day so did a bit of yoga with Adriene to loosen up. Got all my bits charged up (tip - don't charge the watch when paused, when I did that on my last backyard it saved the run!).

Weather looking dry but chilly.

I'll do an update after each lap by editing this blog. Excited and nervous.....

Lap 1 - 5km. 28.35
Fuel - 250ml flying start, coffee.

Bugger, had typed this update and then uploaded a photo which wiped my words...

Nice and quiet out there, overcast but warmed up so will ditch the long sleeve top (keep the gloves). Cruisy run and had to keep reminding myself of target pace of 6min/km. Cafe smells on main street were lovely.

Stones crossing of Tanti Creek

Lap 2 - 10km. 57.43 (too hard to do the splits!)
Fuel - Banana, few swigs of pepsi max

Decided to do a reverse loop, went really well. Starting to get busy now! Remembered it was important to take running top off and put warm/dry top on as soon as I finish a lap.

Mornington Main Street (uploaded in a separate tab just to be sure!)

Lap 3 - 15km. 1.26.12

Fuel - Half sausage roll, 3 sweets, few swigs of pepsi max

Plotted an alternative route which took in the Esplanade and meant that I didn't have to run up the road/drive hill to get the 5km, worked well! Will do the reverse for next lap.

Royal Beach

Lap 4 - 20km. 1.55.58
Fuel - More sweets, glass of water

Reverse alternative loop. Starting to feel it in the legs now. Still enjoyed the loop and different sights that it brings. No gloves this time but hands were cold for most of it, will find thinner ones hopefully. Good to see that some others have started, go well my friends.

Fisherman's Beach

Lap 5 - 25km. 2.26.18
Fuel - Bacon sandwich, pepsi max, sweets, chocolate

Half way!! Back to the original loop. Found thinner gloves but forgot hat, sooo much brighter. Conscious effort to vary the terrain and the pace a little. Probably need less food and more liquid.

Mural off Main Street

Lap 6 - 30km. 2.56.35
Fuel - chocolate, water

Really starting to feel it now! Clouds are starting to clear which is nice. No gloves but hat this time. Funny to think that I'll be finished my f'laps before most UK runners start. Already looking forward to a beer at the end! Original loop reverse

Memorial park (where the shark teeth are made in the Mornington Shark fetch art)

Lap 7 - 35km. 3.28.07
Fuel - chocolate, sweets, water

Alternate loop. Gotta keep the ego in check. Starting to set time targets but the body isn't allowing it so I'm reminding myself that this isn't about time, I still have an hour to do 5k. I think I prefer the alternate loop so I'll reverse it next loop then repeat for final 2. I was looking at plotting another route but at this stage I've gotta keep it simple, even 2 loops and reversed is hard to remember!! Think I need salt!

Mothers Beach

Lap 8 - 40km. 4.00.00
Fuel - chocolate, sweets, water, vegemite sandwich, crisps, nuts.

The reverse alternate is a b######d finish. SO, that means I do that again next to finish on a nicer loop. Lots of achy bits now and so glad I'm nearly done. It's made a huge difference covering that extra km an hour and running a bit faster. I haven't walked yet either which I'm happy about, fingers crossed for the next 2 laps.

Great to see others starting and reading updates on the thread. Keep going!!

Royal Hotel (wonder which came first, beach name or hotel?)

Lap 9 - 45km. 4.33.00
Fuel - KFC chips (thanks Kate!), water

Got the reverse loop out of the way so a run towards the sunset to go!! Kate came back from her adventures so accompanied me on her bike, it gave me a boost so the lap went better than the last one. She's grateful to only have to do 2 with me this time (and not 20!).

What 45km looks like

Lap 10 - 50.05km. 5.10.45
Fuel - Water, pepsimax, chocolate

And that's a wrap!! Grateful that it's over, the lap was a real struggle but plodded along with Kate on the bike. Looking forward to seeing how everyone else gets on, if I can do it then anyone can! Run/walk well everyone, you're all amazing for getting out there and doing it...

Sunset (blooming clouds!)

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I started running in 2006 after a drunken sign up to the Bristol HM. The rest, they say, is history.....
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