Easter treasure hunt - better late than never
7:25pm, 16th Apr 2023 | 4 Comments
Blog by Mandymoo
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It's taken me a while as really struggled to find some baby lambs around here
1. Any permutation of any of : Bun, Cross, Hot.
Crosses on the hill on pur dog walk
2. Easter bunny or rabbit
If you like very closely you can see the white bum.of a bunny running away on our dog walk
3. Lamb
Finally found one today on a bike ride
4. Chick (or Chicken)
Something my grandson has for some reason
5. Egg (or Eggs)
A scarcity around here lately - shelves are normally empty
6. My Easter
This was fun - junior Peppa Pig Monopoly and as always ended up with heated discussions 😂 (adults that is)
Thanks for this 😁
1. Any permutation of any of : Bun, Cross, Hot.
Crosses on the hill on pur dog walk
2. Easter bunny or rabbit
If you like very closely you can see the white bum.of a bunny running away on our dog walk
3. Lamb
Finally found one today on a bike ride
4. Chick (or Chicken)
Something my grandson has for some reason
5. Egg (or Eggs)
A scarcity around here lately - shelves are normally empty
6. My Easter
This was fun - junior Peppa Pig Monopoly and as always ended up with heated discussions 😂 (adults that is)
Thanks for this 😁
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No longer a runner, have finally admitted defeat and the knees have won. It's just not worth the pain.Thankfully cycling still happens, I now have an e-bike too, and am loving getting back out cycling. The road bike will still be used but not sure how i will.cope with the hills after the assit and with the dodgy knees. I hate ageing.
Am very consistent at walking the dog

Enjoying our caravan and trying to get away and explore the UK and
Europe as much as we can.
Totally loving the paddleboard and exploring on trips away with it - always seem to end near water .
Enjoying the life of a retired person very much
Loving life and very grateful for what I have - cant really complain can I?
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