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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Easter Treasure Hunt 1

5:05pm, 7th Apr 2023 | 4 Comments
Blog by Tom Tom | More by this blogger | More bloggers
My take on the first Easter hunt, covered in the walk to work yesterday. Not sure I'll be this lucky with any further ones!

The owner of this house always seems pretty cross with the government...


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Tom Tom

Currently living with post viral dysautonomia, which means jog/walking is my limit right now. But I still have the memories, and I could shift a bit back in the day ;-) Oh, and the nickname? My sense of direction is so bad, I'd struggle to find my arse with both hands, a map and a compass at times, plus I once managed to wander off course on a xc relay held round the edges of one big field.....look, I got distracted, ok? Someone mentioned CAKE!!!
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