Becoming a treasure hunter again!

12:44pm, 28th Feb 2023 | 12 Comments
Blog by Ness | More by this blogger | More bloggers
I have really enjoyed taking part in the Fetch treasure hunts in the past, particularly during lockdown times, but recently I'd lost the enthusiasm. And then suddenly with the Christmas special hunt and the daily challenge to find something I started to enjoy looking for photo opportunities. Into January, and back in the UK after my Christmas holidays and the photo opportunities disappeared. I thought I hadn't been able to find anything from the February list either but last night I looked again and found that I already had some that fitted the categories. Here are the photos I already had.

1. Fancy
I bought leggings specifically for my race at the end of this month and I'd say they'd definitely count as "fancy"...

Here they are in action at last weekend's race....

[photo courtesy of Runthrough. The company who organised the race provides race photos free to download]

2. Flower
The flower print on the wall of the Premier Inn I stayed in the night before running the Leicestershire Half Marathon....

4. Finale
Slight exaggeration but this is me crossing the finish line of Warwick Half, which I ran at the beginning of the month. It was my fiftieth half marathon and, allegedly was going to be my last one so a sort of finale! Of course it was too soon to finish running my favourite race distance and I have done another one since! 😜🤣

8. Frame
When I was out walking earlier in the month I went to a local park. While I was there I paused to admire the view and noticed a cottage in the distance. It looked pretty and I noticed it seemed to be "framed" by the trees from where I was standing. So here it is....

On this morning's run, despite being out before dawn, I decided to try and get the rest of the items from the list. Here are my attempts...

6. Four or five
The number 4 on the petrol station sign.

7. Flight
Well I didn't see anything in flight this morning. But I did see this road sign. Very tenuous link there, because "merlin" is the name of a small kestrel species which would be lovely to see in flight if I was ever lucky enough...

9. Flag
I passed by a pub that I've never been in but know it has a flag on its sign because it's called the "Lamb and Flag"

I realised the lighting wasn't great so the flag on the sign wasn't clear but then I noticed there were flags etched on the pub windows. Here's one of them...

10. Flash
The sign on the electricity sub station, warning you that if you trespassed here, you could end up seeing a 'flash'!

I didn't see anything for 3. fern or 5. formal. Hopefully I will do better with the March list. Thank you to Autumnleaves for an interesting treasure hunt.

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A fifty-something retired teacher who took up running to improve the muscle tone in her legs after a hip resurfacing op in 2003. It all started with a 'Race for Life' 5k, that I took part in to raise money in memory of my Dad.

In 2005 I discovered the Fetcheveryone site, and thanks to the help and support of Fetchies, my running has moved on a bit since then.
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